创建地图服务器缓存 (服务器)
此工具只适用于 ArcGIS Server 地图服务。
为获取最佳性能,请使用融合缓存。对将在 Web 应用程序中使用的切片应始终应用融合缓存。
栅格数据最适合采用 JPEG 或 MIXED 图像格式。使用 JPEG 或 MIXED 格式的矢量地图时,应使用较高的压缩质量值(如 90),从而减轻线和文本的模糊程度。尽管应避免对将在 Web 应用程序中使用的缓存应用 PNG 24 格式,但矢量数据却可以采用 PNG 格式。
多图层缓存不支持 JPEG 文件格式。
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
server_name |
对要建立缓存的服务进行托管的 ArcGIS Server 计算机。 | String |
object_name |
要建立缓存的地图服务。 | String |
data_frame |
要建立缓存的地图数据框。 | String |
out_folder |
用于缓存的父目录。此目录必须是已注册的 ArcGIS Server 缓存目录。 | String |
tiling_scheme_type | 选择采用 NEW 还是 PREDEFINED 切片方案。可以使用此工具定义一个新的切片方案,也可以浏览到一个预定义的切片方案文件 (.xml)。预定义方案的创建可以通过运行“生成地图服务器缓存切片方案”工具来实现。
| String |
scales_type |
| String |
num_of_scales |
要在缓存中创建的比例级数。如果要创建比例的自定义列表,则此选项不可用。 | Long |
dpi |
专用输出设备的每英寸点数。如果所选择的 DPI 与输出设备的分辨率不匹配,则地图切片将显示错误比例。默认值为 96。 | Long |
tile_width |
缓存切片的宽度(以像素为单位)。默认值为 256。为在性能和可管理性之间寻求最佳平衡,应避免偏离标准宽度 256 或 512。 | Long |
tile_height |
缓存切片的高度(以像素为单位)。默认值为 256。为在性能和可管理性之间寻求最佳平衡,应避免偏离标准宽度 256 或 512。 | Long |
map_or_layers (可选) |
| String |
tiling_schema (可选) |
预定义切片方案文件(通常名为 conf.xml)的路径。 | File |
tile_origin (可选) |
源地图文档空间参考的坐标中的切片方案原点(左上角)。源地图文档的范围必须在此原点范围内(但不必与原点重合)。 | Point |
levels [levels,...] (可选) |
可用于缓存的比例级别。不使用分数表示比例级别,而使用 500 表示比例 1:500,依此类推。 | String |
Layer [Layer,...] (可选) |
选择 MULTI_LAYER 缓存类型时要包含在缓存中的图层。 | String |
Antialiasing (可选) | 指定是否在渲染切片时使用抗锯齿功能。如果选择了抗锯齿功能,则会对线、边框和文本的边缘进行平滑处理。此选项会带来性能开销。使用基于 MXD 的地图服务时(相对于已在 MSD 文件中定义了抗锯齿功能的基于 MSD 的地图服务而言),性能开销较大。抗锯齿功能不会给栅格影像带来任何益处。 如果地图服务源是 MSD 文件且已在 MSD 中定义了抗锯齿功能,则无论是否选择此工具中的该选项,抗锯齿功能都会应用到缓存中。
| Boolean |
cache_format (可选) |
为缓存中的切片选择 PNG8、PNG24、PNG32、JPEG 或 MIXED 文件格式。PNG8 为默认选项。
| String |
tile_compression_quality (可选) |
针对 JPEG 压缩质量输入一个介于 1 和 100 之间的值。对于 JPEG 切片格式,默认值为 75;对于其他切片格式,默认值为 0。 仅 JPEG 格式支持压缩。如果选择较高的值,则生成的文件较大,但图像质量较好。如果选择较低的值,则生成的文件较小,但图像质量较差。 | Long |
storage_format (可选) |
选择是否使用“紧密”存储格式将切片分组到大型 .bundle 文件中,而不选择使用“松散”格式将每个切片存储为单独的文件。紧密存储格式在存储和移动性方面更为有效。 | String |
use_local_cache_dir | 选择 bundle 文件是否应在创建紧密缓存时写入服务器上的本地目录,而不是直接写入共享的缓存目录。如果选择此选项,bundle 文件在完成后将写入共享的缓存目录。当多台计算机处理缓存作业时,此选项可提升性能。
| Boolean |
# CreateMapServerCache example (stand-alone script) # Name: CreateMapServerCache.py # Description: The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to create map # using Custom scales & jpg image format with Antialiasing feature turned on # Requirements: os, sys, time & traceback modules # Any line that begins with a pound sign is a comment and will not be executed # Empty quotes take the default value. # To accept arguments from the command line replace values of variables to # "sys.argv[]" # Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env import os, sys, time, string, datetime, traceback # Set environment settings env.workspace = "C:/data" # List of input variables for map service properties server = "MyServer" service = "Rainfall" dataFrame = "" cacheDir = "C:\\arcgisserver\\arcgiscache\\" tilingScheme = "NEW" scalesType = "CUSTOM" extents = "" tileOrigin = "" scales = "4" dpi = "96" scaleValues = "600265;350200;225400;44000" tileWidth = "256" tileHeight = "256" cacheType = "FUSED" inputLayers = "" pathToXML = "" antialiasing = "ANTIALIASING" tileFormat = "JPEG" tileCompressionQuality = "75" storageFormat = "Compact" useLocalCacheDir = "True" currentTime = datetime.datetime.now() arg1 = currentTime.strftime("%H-%M") arg2 = currentTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") file = 'C:/data/report_%s.txt' % arg1 # print results of the script to a report report = open(file,'w') try: starttime = time.clock() result = arcpy.CreateMapServerCache_server(server, service, dataFrame, cacheDir, tilingScheme, scalesType, scales, dpi, tileWidth, tileHeight, cacheType, pathToXml, tileOrigin, scaleValues, inputLayers, antialiasing, tileFormat, tileCompressionQuality, storageFormat, useLocalCacheDir) finishtime = time.clock() elapsedtime = finishtime - starttime #print messages to a file while result.status < 4: time.sleep(0.2) resultValue = result.getMessages() report.write ("completed " + str(resultValue)) print "Created cache schema with custom scales successfully for " + service + " in " + str(elapsedtime) + " sec \n on " + arg2 except Exception, e: # If an error occurred, print line number and error message tb = sys.exc_info()[2] report.write("Failed at step 1 \n" "Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno) report.write(e.message) print "Executed creation of map server Cache schema using custom scales" report.close()
# CreateMapServerCache example (stand-alone script) # Name: CreateMapServerCache.py # Description: The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to create map # using Custom scales & jpg image format with Antialiasing feature turned on # Requirements: os, sys, time & traceback modules # Any line that begins with a pound sign is a comment and will not be executed # Empty quotes take the default value. # To accept arguments from the command line replace values of variables to # "sys.argv[]" # Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env import os, sys, time, string, datetime, traceback # Set environment settings env.workspace = "C:/data" # List of input variables for map service properties server = "MyServer" service = "Rainfall" dataFrame = "" cacheDir = "C:\\arcgisserver\\arcgiscache\\" tilingScheme = "NEW" scalesType = "CUSTOM" extents = "" tileOrigin = "" scales = "4" dpi = "96" scaleValues = "600265;350200;225400;44000" tileWidth = "256" tileHeight = "256" cacheType = "FUSED" inputLayers = "" pathToXML = "" antialiasing = "ANTIALIASING" tileFormat = "JPEG" tileCompressionQuality = "75" storageFormat = "Compact" useLocalCacheDir = "True" currentTime = datetime.datetime.now() arg1 = currentTime.strftime("%H-%M") arg2 = currentTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") file = 'C:/data/report_%s.txt' % arg1 # print results of the script to a report report = open(file,'w') try: starttime = time.clock() result = arcpy.CreateMapServerCache_server(server, service, dataFrame, cacheDir, tilingScheme, scalesType, scales, dpi, tileWidth, tileHeight, cacheType, pathToXml, tileOrigin, scaleValues, inputLayers, antialiasing, tileFormat, tileCompressionQuality, storageFormat, useLocalCacheDir) finishtime = time.clock() elapsedtime = finishtime - starttime #print messages to a file while result.status < 4: time.sleep(0.2) resultValue = result.getMessages() report.write ("completed " + str(resultValue)) print "Created cache schema with custom scales successfully for " + service + " in " + str(elapsedtime) + " sec \n on " + arg2 except Exception, e: # If an error occurred, print line number and error message tb = sys.exc_info()[2] report.write("Failed at step 1 \n" "Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno) report.write(e.message) print "Executed creation of map server Cache schema using custom scales" report.close()
# CreateMapServerCache example (stand-alone script) # Name: CreateMapServerCache.py # Description: The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to create map # using Custom scales & jpg image format with Antialiasing feature turned on # Requirements: os, sys, time & traceback modules # Any line that begins with a pound sign is a comment and will not be executed # Empty quotes take the default value. # To accept arguments from the command line replace values of variables to # "sys.argv[]" # Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env import os, sys, time, string, datetime, traceback # Set environment settings env.workspace = "C:/data" # List of input variables for map service properties server = "MyServer" service = "Rainfall" dataFrame = "" cacheDir = "C:\\arcgisserver\\arcgiscache\\" tilingScheme = "NEW" scalesType = "CUSTOM" extents = "" tileOrigin = "" scales = "4" dpi = "96" scaleValues = "600265;350200;225400;44000" tileWidth = "256" tileHeight = "256" cacheType = "FUSED" inputLayers = "" pathToXML = "" antialiasing = "ANTIALIASING" tileFormat = "JPEG" tileCompressionQuality = "75" storageFormat = "Compact" useLocalCacheDir = "True" currentTime = datetime.datetime.now() arg1 = currentTime.strftime("%H-%M") arg2 = currentTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") file = 'C:/data/report_%s.txt' % arg1 # print results of the script to a report report = open(file,'w') try: starttime = time.clock() result = arcpy.CreateMapServerCache_server(server, service, dataFrame, cacheDir, tilingScheme, scalesType, scales, dpi, tileWidth, tileHeight, cacheType, pathToXml, tileOrigin, scaleValues, inputLayers, antialiasing, tileFormat, tileCompressionQuality, storageFormat, useLocalCacheDir) finishtime = time.clock() elapsedtime = finishtime - starttime #print messages to a file while result.status < 4: time.sleep(0.2) resultValue = result.getMessages() report.write ("completed " + str(resultValue)) print "Created cache schema with custom scales successfully for " + service + " in " + str(elapsedtime) + " sec \n on " + arg2 except Exception, e: # If an error occurred, print line number and error message tb = sys.exc_info()[2] report.write("Failed at step 1 \n" "Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno) report.write(e.message) print "Executed creation of map server Cache schema using custom scales" report.close()