Scripts in the <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/scripts folder
The <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/scripts folder contains the scripts to administrate ArcGIS Server from command line. The contents of this folder are described in detail below.
- startserver: Starts ArcGIS Server.
This script automatically detects if the invoking user is the ArcGIS Server install owner, and if not, prompts for the install owner's password. It will always start the server as the install owner.
- stopserver: Stops ArcGIS Server.
This script automatically detects if the invoking user is the ArcGIS Server install owner, and if not, prompts for the install owner's password. It will always stop the server as the install owner.
- uninstallArcGISServer: Uninstalls ArcGIS Server.
You need to run it as the superuser (root).
- ServerConfig: Configures ArcGIS Server to reset properties that were set at the time of install back to the original value.
You need to run this script as the superuser (root).
- authorizeSoftware: Authorizes ArcGIS Server for use. This is first run at the time of installation. You can use this script to update the license if needed. For detailed information, check the install guide located at <ArcGIS Server Install CD>/Install.htm.
You need to run this script as the install owner.
- Server_diag_tool: Runs the Server Diagnostics tool from the command line. Check Run Diagnostics tools from the command line on your Linux/Solaris system for detailed information and usage.
- startmonitor: Starts Monitor, which is a stand-alone program that supports the Server Diagnostics tool. Check How the diagnostics tool works: the Monitor framework for detailed information.
You need to run this script as the install owner.
- stopmonitor: Stops Monitor, which is a stand-alone program that supports the Server Diagnostics tool. Check How the diagnostics tool works: the Monitor framework for detailed information.
You need to run this script as the install owner.
- Imports or exports local GIS server users on Linux/Solaris. Check Import/Export local GIS server users on Linux/Solaris for detailed information and usage.
You need to run this script as the install owner.
- switchlogging: Toggles on and off certain logging information for debugging purposes.
The various components of ArcGIS Server are equipped with logging capabilities to aid in debugging and troubleshooting. When ArcGIS Server is installed on Linux/Solaris, some of the logging capabilities are disabled or set to a minimal level, which is the recommended setting for a production environment. When troubleshooting, you can turn on the logging by running this switchlogging script.
You need to run this script as the ArcGIS Server install owner. This script also restarts ArcGIS Server.
Usage: switchlogging [status|on|off]
When the logging is turned on using the switchlogging script, detailed logs are created in the following locations:
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/logs/server/SOC_logs/arcsoc.<process id>.log
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/server/user/log/*.dat
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/logs/ecs/regss.log
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/logs/ecs/rpcss.log
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/servercore/agsidsvr/agsldap/slapd-machinename/logs/errors
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/servercore/agsidsvr/agsldap/slapd-machinename/logs/access
- <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/servercore/agsidsvr/agsldap/slapd-machinename/logs/audit
In addition, ArcSDE intercept logs (SDEInterceptLog.*) are created in the directory <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/logs/server/SOM_logs if any active service consumes data from ArcSDE.
When the logging is turned off, the SOM logs (<ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/logs/server/SOM_logs/*.dat) are set to the default level (normal), and all other logs are set to the minimum logging level. No ArcSDE intercept logs will be created.
- startJavaHelp: Opens the ArcGIS Java Developer Help.
- stopJavaHelp: Shuts down the process ArcGIS Java Developer Help is running. When you finish with the Java Developer Help, run this script to shut down its process.