
ST_Geometry in PostgreSQL only
ST_MLineFromShape takes an ESRI multiline shape and a spatial reference ID and returns an ST_MultiLineString.
sde.st_mlinefromshape (esri_shape bytea, srid integer)
Return type
Create the sample_mlines table with two geometry columns—one an ST_Geometry, the other a bytea—and a unique ID.
CREATE TABLE sample_mlines (id integer unique, geometry sde.st_geometry, shape bytea);
Add a record to the table.
INSERT INTO sample_mlines (id, geometry) VALUES ( 10, sde.st_multilinestring ('multilinestring ((61 2, 64 3, 65 6), (58 4, 59 5, 61 8), (69 3, 67 4, 66 7, 68 9))', 0) );
Convert shape to geometry.
UPDATE sample_mlines SET shape = sde.st_asshape (geometry) WHERE id = 10;
Use ST_MLineFromShape to return the multilinestring information.
SELECT id, sde.st_astext (sde.st_mlinefromshape (shape)) AS MULTI_LINE_STRING FROM sample_mlines WHERE id = 10; id multi_line_string 10 MULTILINESTRING ((61 2, 64 3, 65 6), (58 4, 59 5,61 8), (69 3, 67 4, 66 7, 68 9 ))