Execute Reviewer Batch Job (Data Reviewer)
Runs a Reviewer batch job on a workspace and writes the results to a Reviewer session.
If the specified workspace is not a Reviewer workspace, the Reviewer administration tables are added to it prior to creating the session.
The Reviewer batch job results are written to a session that is created in the specified Reviewer workspace.
When a Reviewer batch job is configured, it stores references to the workspace that contains the feature classes and tables to be validated.
Reviewer batch jobs can only be created in ArcMap.
If a workspace is not defined in the Production Database (optional) parameter, batch job is run on the workspace used to configure it.
The production database is usually the workspace that is designated as the production database on the Production Properties dialog box in ArcMap or ArcCatalog.
A summary of the batch job is displayed in the Results window.
パラメータ | 説明 | データ タイプ |
Reviewer_Workspace |
The workspace where the Reviewer batch job results are going to be written. | Workspace |
Session_Name |
The name of the Reviewer session that is going to store the features and records reported by the batch job. | String |
Batch_Job_File |
The path to the Reviewer batch job file that is going to be executed. | File |
Production_Database (オプション) |
The production database on which you want to run the Reviewer batch job. | Workspace |
Version (オプション) |
The ArcSDE geodatabase version on which to run the Reviewer batch job. | String |
コード サンプル
In the following example, the SoCal_GeoOnGeoChecks.rbj batch job, is run on the Edit_Sample geodatabase. The results are written to the Geo On Geo session.
# Name: ExecuteReviewerBatchJob.py # Description: Creates a reviewer session in a geodatabase # Author: ESRI # Date: June 2010 # Import arcpy module import arcpy # Check out a Data Reviewer extension license arcpy.CheckOutExtension("datareviewer") # Import the Data Reviewer toolbox - you may have to alter this path arcpy.ImportToolbox(r'C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Desktop10.0/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data Reviewer Tools.tbx') # Path to the data and batch job file Edit_Sample_gdb = r'C:\SampleData\Edit_Sample.gdb' SoCal_GeoOnGeoChecks_rbj = r'C:/SampleData/Batch_Jobs/SoCal_GeoOnGeoChecks.rbj' # Execute Reviewer Batch Job function arcpy.ExecuteBatchJob_Reviewer(Edit_Sample_gdb, "Geo On Geo", SoCal_GeoOnGeoChecks_rbj) # Check in the Data Reviewer extension arcpy.CheckInExtension("datareviewer")