Editing ENC features

The following topics give a general overview of the many Production Mapping editing capabilities.

Each of these toolbars or individual tools assists you in creating, modifying, or removing S-57 data stored within the geodatabase. In addition to the Production Mapping editing capabilities, the Nautical Solution also offers its own line of editing tools for the S-57 production environment.

Sounding tools

The sounding tools offered by the Nautical Solution allow you to create new sounding groups, append to an existing sounding group, or select an existing sounding group. Each of these tools is found on the Nautical S-57 toolbar. If you want to create or append soundings, the selected sounding set must share the same S-57 attribute values for them to be grouped. Additionally, when new soundings are created, they will be grouped based on the Nautical Properties Group Soundings Type setting.

S-57 relationship features

The Relationship Manager is located on the Nautical toolbar. It creates S-57 relationship features, modifies S-57 relationship features, and removes S-57 relationships between features. In addition to batch creating parent/child relationships, the Relationship Manager also handles S-57 Collection features (C_ASSO and C_AGGR) and individual parent/child relationships as well.

Populating SCAMIN

The SCAMIN tool is located on the Nautical S-57 toolbar. It will autopopulate the SCAMIN attribute held on many of the feature classes stored within the ENC geodatabase. You may need to configure the SCAMIN file that is associated with the tool.

Suppressing features

There are three tools located on the Nautical toolbar that control the PLTS_SUPPRESS fields stored on feature classes within the geodatabase. Every feature subtype within the product and NIS geodatabases holds a Boolean field that gets modified by the suppress tools. When this field is set to True, it is hidden from any edit actions, and you also have the ability to toggle the visibility of features that have been marked for suppress. This functionality gives you the option of hiding features from common editing events without having to physically remove the feature from the geodatabase.

Applying changes to the product database (NIS only)

This section pertains only if you are working in an enterprise production environment (NIS). In the NIS workflow, you will be performing all your data edits on your central data repository (CDR), or what is commonly known as the NIS. Once you have made your edits to the NIS and have run the Update Instance process, you will then need to connect to your product database to synchronize the edits from the NIS down to your product.

When connected to the CM version on your product database, the Apply Changes tool will apply the edits from the NIS to the connected version on the product database. During the Apply Changes process, a child version is created from the CM version that holds the updated data. This version is reconciled to the parent, in which case you may encounter conflicts.


The Apply Changes process is the same when connected to the URGENT version instead of the CM version.
