Setting up the NIS database

If you will be working with an enterprise production environment, you or the database administrator (DBA) can implement any central database or load the NIS XML workspace available with the Nautical Solution and use this implementation.

The NIS XML workspace includes one Nautical feature dataset, three delete feature classes that store the deleted features, collections and FREL tables that store spatial relationship information, and other tables.

Importing the NIS XML workspace

Follow the steps outlined below to set up the NIS database.

  1. In ArcCatalog, right-click the data creator's database connection and click Import XML Workspace Document.
  2. Click Data if necessary.
  3. Browse to one of the following locations to open the XML file.
    • For 32-bit machines—<Install directory>\Program Files\ESRINautical\Desktop10.0\Nis\Schemas\Workspace
    • For 64-bit machines—<Install directory>\Program Files (x86)\ESRINautical\Desktop10.0\Nis\Schemas\Workspace
  4. Select NAUTICAL_NIS_TEMPLATE_GX_10.0.0.0.XML and click Open.

    The version information at the end of the file name represents the release the model was associated with. It is recommended that you always use the latest version. The first two values, 10, represent the major release value. The second value represents the minor release value. The third value represents the service pack value, and the fourth value represents a patch. For example, represents 9.3 Service Pack 1.

  5. Click Next and Finish.

    When referencing the Central Data Repository for the first time, you will be prompted to upgrade the CDR schema. Choose Yes, and new tables will be added to the NIS schema.

Versioning and archiving on the NIS database

Register the following objects as versioned and enable archiving by right-clicking each one. Do not check the Register the selected objects with the option to move edits to base check box; click OK.

Object type



Nautical feature dataset

Feature classes

  • ClosingLinesL

Stand-alone tables


Configuring symbology

To store the symbology in NIS, you need to run the Calculate Visual Specification tool. It is recommended that you run the tool before loading the data into the NIS schema for all the required fields to be added to different feature classes and tables. You should not calculate visual specifications after the replicas are created.

  1. In the input table, provide only the feature classes within the Nautical dataset in the NIS database.
  2. To provide the visual specification table location, browse to the product library or another database that contains your visual specifications.
  3. Check the visual specification symbol set you want to include.
  4. Keep all other default settings and click OK.

    To import data, go to Importing S-57 files to a geodatabase.

Defining the Central Database Repository Workspace

When creating products using product library, this property should be pointing to your Nautical Information System (NIS) database so the different processes in product library can access the central database (NIS) to extract data and create the replica connections from NIS to the product.

  1. On the main menu, click Customize Production Production Properties.

    The Production Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Click Nautical Properties.
  3. In the Central Database Repository section, click the Click to edit property box next to Workspace and click the ellipsis (...) button that appears.
  4. Browse to the location of your NIS.
  5. Click Open.

    You will be prompted to upgrade the NIS to a CDR.

  6. Click Yes.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click the Data Management pane.
  9. If necessary, expand Tools.
  10. Click the Click to edit property box and click the drop-down arrow that appears.
  11. Click the ellipses (...) button for Set CDR Owner Workspace.
    Set CDR Owner Workspace

    A message appears asking you if you want to set the CDR Owner Workspace.

  12. Click Yes.
  13. Click OK to close the Production Properties dialog box.
