Populating geometric attributes with the Geometry Reporter

このトピックは、ArcEditor および ArcInfo にのみ適用されます。

When you create a new polyline or polygon feature, you can populate the length, width, or perimeter using the Geometry Reporter tool. To populate any of the geometric attributes, the target feature class must have the following fields as appropriate:

However, if you have a polygon feature class with a length field, this value is not populated using the Geometry Reporter tool. Only the perimeter and area are calculated for polygon features.


The length of a line feature can be affected by any elevation (z-value) differences between vertices in a feature. For example, if the z-values for a line range from 0 to 50 to 600 to 25, these differences affect the length of the feature.

Example of a feature with different z-values
  1. Start ArcMap.

    If the ArcMap - Getting Started dialog box appears, you can open a new or existing map document. You can also check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box and click Open.

  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. On the main menu, click Customize Toolbars Production Editing.
  4. On the main menu, click Customize Toolbars Defense Mapping.
  5. Click the Production Start Editing button Production Start Editing on the Production Editing toolbar.

    The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.


    If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Link Feature Manager To Attributes Window button Show/Hide Attributes on the Manage Features window.

  6. Select or draw a polygon or polyline.

    If you select or draw a polygon, values for area, perimeter, parts, and vertices are calculated.

    If you select or draw a polyline feature, values are calculated for the length, parts, and vertices.

  7. Click the Geometry Reporter button Geometry Reporter on the Defense Mapping toolbar.

    The Geometry Reporter dialog box appears.

    Geometry Reporter
  8. To take z-values into consideration when calculating the length of a selected feature, check the Use Z values check box.
  9. Click Populate.

    The area, length, and perimeter fields are populated as needed.

  10. Click the Update tab on the Manage Features window.

The values for the area, length, and perimeter fields are updated as appropriate.
