Creating a custom page number

The Page Number tab on the Map Sheet Properties dialog box allows to you set map sheet numbering by one of two methods: Use Map Series Page Number Option or User Specified.

The User Specified option allows you to type the page number of your choice in the User Specified text box.

  1. Start ArcMap.

    If the ArcMap - Getting Started dialog box appears, you can open a new or existing map document. You can also check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box and click Open.

  2. On the main menu, click Customize Toolbars MPS Atlas.
  3. Click the MPS Atlas window button MPS Atlas window on the MPS Atlas toolbar.

    The MPS Atlas window appears.

  4. Right-click a shared or single map sheet and click Map Sheet Properties.

    The Map Sheet Properties dialog box appears.

  5. Click the Page Number tab if necessary.

    The Page Number tab appears.

    Page Number tab
  6. Click the User Specified option.
  7. Type the page number you want to use for the map sheet in the User Specified text box.

    Page numbers can be integers or strings.

  8. Click OK.
