Setting up the aeronautical production database

The production database is the primary database that contains the geographic data. That data can be used directly or to create and maintain the charts, maps, and cells for production. It is built from a valid Aeronautical Solution data model.

Importing the XML schema

You need to create an empty geodatabase in ArcCatalog to be able to import the schema for data or chart production.

  1. Start ArcCatalog.
  2. If necessary, create an empty ArcSDE geodatabase on a database server or one that is licensed through ArcGIS Server Enterprise.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Expand Database Connections if using an Oracle, SQL Server, or other enterprise geodatabase.
    • Expand Database Servers if using a SQL Server Express geodatabase.
  4. Right-click the database and click Import XML Workspace Document.

    The Import XML Workspace Document dialog box appears.

  5. Click Schema Only.
  6. Browse to <Install directory>\ESRIAeronautical\Desktop10.0\Schemas and open the appropriate XML source file to import.
    • AIS_GX.xml—Contains the feature classes, tables, and relationships for primary data storage in the Aeronautical Information System (AIS)
    • AISCharting_GX.xml—Adds additional information (tables/feature classes) on top of the AIS schema to support cartography
  7. Click Next.
  8. Review the Summary and click Finish.

Versioning and archiving on the production database

You can choose to enable geodatabase archiving on a production database. Geodatabase archiving is ArcGIS functionality to maintain an archive of all changes to a geodatabase. Through archiving, it is possible to view data as it existed at any point in the past. Archiving must be enabled for the Change Reporter tool to retrieve changes made between specified dates.

  1. Select all feature classes, attributed relationships, and tables in the geodatabase, right-click, then choose Register as Versioned.
  2. Select all feature classes, right-click, then click Enable Archiving.

    Once the appropriate schema has been applied, you can configure the production database.
