Cleaning the product library

Once you have set up the product library, there are basic processes that can be used to maintain the database. This includes running the Cleanup utility available from the product library tree view in ArcMap and performing other basic maintenance tasks that are available in ArcCatalog.

The Cleanup utility removes files that are not referenced by (linked to) any part of the product library. For instance, you could have a file stored in the product library that is not associated with any of the components.

When run, the Cleanup utility removes the following:

  1. Start ArcMap.

    If the ArcMap - Getting Started dialog box appears, you can open a new or existing map document. You can also check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box and click Open.

  2. If your product library is stored in an ArcSDE geodatabase, ensure that all users are disconnected.
  3. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize Production Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product library tree
  4. Right-click the product library at the top of the tree view and click Cleanup.

    The cleanup process runs and removes any unused product library files, versions, spatial references, and instance databases. A message appears when the process is finished to notify you of the deletions.

    Cleanup Results message on completion
  5. Click OK.

