Running the post-install for the Data Reviewer custom steps

To access the Data Reviewer custom steps and tokens for configuration, the following prerequisites must be met:

To use the Data Reviewer custom steps and tokens, the Data Reviewer custom steps post-installation must be completed to add a set of required tables and records into the Workflow Manager repository. The following tables and records are added during the post-installation process:

The post-install may be accessed from <Installation Location>\Common Files\ArcGISDataReviewer\Desktop10.0\Bin.

During the post-installation, you must specify the database where the tables and records are going to be created by defining the connection properties. The following rules apply:

  1. The database must be an existing Workflow Manager repository.
  2. The user running the post-installation must be the owner of the Workflow Manager repository tables.
  3. The user running the post-installation must have permissions to modify the schema.
  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the <Installation Location>\Common Files\ArcGISDataReviewer\Desktop10.0\Bin directory.
  2. Double-click the ProductionCustomStepsPostInstall.exe file.

    The Post-Installation dialog box appears.

    Post-Installation dialog box
  3. Type the name of the server in the Server text box.
  4. Type the name of the service in the Service text box.
  5. Type the name of the database in the Database text box.
  6. Define the account information for connecting to the repository:

    To connect using database authentication

    Choose the Database Authentication option, then type the user name for the connection in the User Name text box and the password in the Password text box.

    To connect using operating system authentication

    Choose the Operating System Authentication option.

  7. To change the version for the connection properties, click Change and choose a different version.
  8. To test the connection to the database, click Test Connection.

    A message appears and notifies you that you can (or cannot) connect to the database using the connection information.

  9. Click OK.
  10. If necessary, repeat steps 6–9 as needed to correct the connection information.
  11. Click Next.

    The Post-Installation dialog box appears.

  12. Choose an option for defining the configuration keyword:

    To use the default configuration keyword for the repository

    Choose the Default option.

    To use a custom configuration keyword for the repository

    Choose the Use Configuration Keyword option, click the arrow, then choose the keyword you want to use.

  13. Click Next.

    The tables and records are inserted into the Workflow Manager repository.

    When the post-installation is finished, a message appears and indicates whether the post-installation has completed successfully. A log file, ProductionWMXPostInstall.txt, is created during the process and can be accessed in the <User Profile>\Application Data\ESRI\Production10.0 directory.

  14. Click Close to close the dialog box.

The post-installation is complete.
