Generating seamlines by radiometry
Using the Footprint layer, you can generate seamlines by examining the pixel values. In this case, the image service definition output must be 8-bit.
A temporary folder is created and written to when generating seamlines. This folder appears in the .ISDef folder and named SeamlineGeneration. The contents should not have a significant size and will be deleted after the seamlines are generated.
When using Generate Seamline By Radiometry, you get the best results if the footprints are oriented along a north–south axis. If you have a mix of footprint orientations, you will need to orient the display view so one group is oriented north–south, select it, then run the tool on the selected set. Then reorient the display view for the other group, select it, then run the tool again on the selected set. The example below shows the original orientation of the footprints on the left and the rotated data frame containing the same footprints on the right.
If your footprints are not oriented straight along a North-South axis, as shown in the graphic above, you must first reorient the display view.
- Click the Customize menu and click Toolbars → Data Frame Tools.
Click the Rotate Data Frame button
on the Data Frame Tools toolbar and use this tool to rotate the footprint polygons so their edges are straight.
- Right-click the Footprint layer and click Generate Seamline → By Radiometry.
If one or more footprints have been selected, you can choose to ignore the selection or to only use the selected raster datasets. Click OK.
The Generate Seamline dialog box appears.
Optionally, type a value in the Seamline Granularity text box.
Seamline granularity is the pixel resolution, in meters, of the image data used to derive the seamlines.
Optionally, type a value in the Feather Width text box.
The feather width is used to determine the sensitivity along the seamline as it is being created and is applied to the seamline when the Seamline mosaicking method is used.
- If seamlines have been previously generated, you will be able to check Overwrite existing seamlines.
- Click OK.
- Optionally, check Add seamline to the Allowed Mosaic Methods for the client.
- Optionally, check Set seamline as the Default Mosaic Method for the client.
Click OK.
A Seamline layer is added to the image service definition group layer.