Adding .RPDefs to an image service definition using the Add Data Wizard

When you add the raster dataset to an image service definition, a raster process definition (.RPDef) is created that encapsulates the definition of the raster dataset. The only information about a raster dataset that is not included in the .RPDef is the actual pixel values; instead, these are explicitly referenced. In the image server, whenever a raster dataset is used to create a requested image, the service provider obtains all details on how to access and process the pixels using the properties defined in the .RPDef. Metadata about the raster dataset sent to the client application is also included in the .RPDef.

Learn more about the raster process definition

These .RPDef files can be moved, removed from an image service, or added to another image service to manage the raster datasets contained in an image service definition. You can save time by adding the .RPDef files to an image service rather than adding the original raster dataset because the raster dataset does not have to be queried and an .RPDef file does not have to be written.

In some cases, an .RPDef file may be provided by the raster data vendor.

  1. Open an image service definition in ArcMap.
  2. Click the Image Service drop-down menu on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar and click Add Data.

    The Add Data Wizard is displayed.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Select Raster Type.

    The Select Raster Type dialog box is displayed.

  5. Scroll down the list and double-click Raster Process Definition files.
  6. Optionally, click File.
    • The Input Folder option can be used to choose a folder containing multiple raster files.
    • The Input File option can be used to choose a single raster file.
  7. Click the Input browse button and select the file or folder with the needed data.
  8. Optionally, uncheck Recursively search subdirectories.

    When checked, this option lets you search for rasters in folders contained within the selected folder.

  9. Optionally, check Use this spatial reference for all input data.

    If checked, click the browse button to choose a spatial reference for the input data.

  10. Click Next.
  11. Optionally, click Yes if you want to add more data to your image service definition and click Next.
  12. Optionally, uncheck Generate overviews if you do not want to optimize the image service definition.
  13. Optionally, uncheck Compile the service for publishing if you do not want to compile the image service definition.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Click Finish.
