The ArcSDESQLExecute class provides a means of executing SQL statements via an ArcSDE connection.
![注意 注意](rsrc/caution.png)
- ArcGIS ソフトウェア以外のものを使用して ArcSDE および GDB のシステム テーブルを変更することはできません。SQL を使用してこれらのシステム テーブルを直接編集すると、ジオデータベースを破損する可能性があります。
- SQL を使用してバージョン対応登録されたデータを編集する場合は、必ずバージョン ビューから行う必要があります。
- リレーショナル データベース管理システム(DBMS)のデータ タイプとテーブル フォーマットを使用して DBMS に実装されたジオデータベースの場合は、DBMS 独自の SQL を使用して、データベースに格納された情報を操作できます。
- SQL によってジオデータベースの情報にアクセスすれば、ジオデータベースによって管理されるテーブル データに外部アプリケーションからアクセスできます。この外部アプリケーションは、非空間データベース アプリケーションであっても、ArcObjects 以外の環境で開発されたカスタムの空間アプリケーションであっても構いません。ただし、ジオデータベースへの SQL アクセス時には、トポロジ、ネットワーク、テレイン、その他のクラスやワークスペースのエクステンションなど、ジオデータベースの機能は適用されないことに注意してください。
- 一部のジオデータベース機能に必要なテーブル間の関係を維持するために、トリガやストアド プロシージャなどの DBMS 機能を使用できる場合があります。一方で、これらの機能を考慮せずにデータベースに対して SQL コマンドを実行すると(たとえば、INSERT ステートメントを実行してビジネス テーブルにレコードを追加する)、ジオデータベース機能が適用されず、ジオデータベース内のデータ間の関係が破壊される可能性があります。
- ArcSDE または GDB のオブジェクトにアクセスしたり、これらのオブジェクトを変更したりする前に、DBMS 内で ArcSDE や GDB のオブジェクトに対して SQL を使用する場合の注意点について、ArcSDE およびジオデータベースの資料をすべてお読みください。
パラメータ | 説明 | データ タイプ |
server |
Name of the server on which the database is installed. | String |
instance |
The port number | String |
database |
Name of the database. | String |
user |
The user name. | String |
password |
The password for the user name. | String |
プロパティ | 説明 | データ タイプ |
transactionAutoCommit (読み書き) |
The autocommit interval. This can be used to force intermediate commits after a specified number of features have been modified. | Integer |
メソッド | 説明 |
commitTransaction () |
No DML statements will be committed until the CommitTransaction method is called. ![]() A commit may also occur when the connection to ArcSDE it terminated (check specific DBMS documentation to see how each DBMS deals with a disconnect while in a transaction). |
execute (sql_statement) |
Sends the SQL statement to the database via an ArcSDE connection. If execute is run outside of a transaction, a commit will automatically take place once the SQL DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE . . .) statement has been executed. |
rollbackTransaction () |
Rollback any DML operations to the previous commit. |
startTransaction () |
To control when your changes are committed to the database, call the startTransaction method before calling execute. This starts a transaction and no DML statements will be committed until the commitTransaction method is called. |
パラメータ | 説明 | データ タイプ |
sql_statement |
The SQL statement. | String |
import arcpy from arcpy import env import sys try: # Make data path relative # env.workspace = sys.path[0] # Two ways to create the object, which also creates the connection to ArcSDE. # Using the first method, pass a set of strings containing the connection properties: # <serverName>,<portNumber>,<version>,<userName>,<password> # sdeConn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute("gpserver3","5151","#","toolbox","toolbox") # Using the second method pass the path to a valid ArcSDE connection file # sdeConn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute("data\Connection to GPSERVER3.sde") # Get the SQL statements, separated by ; from a text string. # SQLStatement = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) SQLStatementList = SQLStatement.split(";") print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" # For each SQL statement passed in, execute it. # for sql in SQLStatementList: print "Execute SQL Statement: " + sql try: # Pass the SQL statement to the database. # sdeReturn = sdeConn.execute(sql) except Exception, ErrorDesc: print ErrorDesc sdeReturn = False # If the return value is a list (a list of lists), display each list as a row from the # table being queried. if isinstance(sdeReturn, list): print "Number of rows returned by query: " + str(len(sdeReturn)), "rows" for row in sdeReturn: print row print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" else: # If the return value was not a list, the statement was most likely a DDL statment. # Check its status. if sdeReturn == True: print "SQL statement: " + sql + " ran sucessfully." print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" else: print "SQL statement: " + sql + " FAILED." print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" except Exception, ErrorDesc: print Exception, ErrorDesc except: print "Problem executing SQL."
# WARNING - DO NOT USE ON VERSIONED TABLES OR FEATURE CLASSES. # DO NOT USE ON ANY ArcSDE or GDB SYSTEM TABLES. # DOING SO MAY RESULT IN DATA CORRUPTION. import arcpy from arcpy import env import sys try: # Make data path relative (not relevant unless data is moved here and paths modified) # env.workspace = sys.path[0] #Column name:value that should be in the record. # SQLvalues = {"STREET_NAM":"'EUREKA'"} #Value that is incorrect if found in the above column. # badVal = "'EREKA'" #List of tables to look in for the bad value. # tableList = ["streetaddresses_blkA","streetaddresses_blkB", "streetaddresses_blkC"] # Two ways to create the object, which also creates the connection to ArcSDE. # Using the first method, pass a set of strings containing the connection properties: # <serverName>,<portNumber>,<version>,<userName>,<password> # sdeConn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute("gpserver3","5151","#","toolbox","toolbox") # Using the second method pass the path to a valid ArcSDE connection file # sdeConn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute("data\Connection to GPSERVER3.sde") for tbl in tableList: print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" for col, val in SQLvalues.items(): print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" #Check for the incorrect value in the column for the specific rows. If the table contains the #incorrect value, correct it using the update SQL statement. # print "Analyzing table " + tbl + " for bad data: Column:" + col + " Value: " + badVal try: sql = "select OBJECTID," + col + " from " + tbl + " where " + col + " = " + badVal print "Attempt to execute SQL Statement: " + sql sdeReturn = sdeConn.execute(sql) except Exception, ErrorDesc: print ErrorDesc sdeReturn = False if isinstance(sdeReturn, list): if len(sdeReturn) > 0: print "Identified " + str(len(sdeReturn)) + " rows with incorrect data. Starting transaction for update." # Start the transaction # sdeConn.startTransaction() print "Transaction started....." # Perform the update # try: sql = "update " + tbl + " set " + col + "=" + str(val) + " where " + col + " = " + badVal print "Changing bad value: " + badVal + " to the good value: " + val + " using update statement:\n " + sql sdeReturn = sdeConn.execute(sql) except Exception, ErrorDesc: print ErrorDesc sdeReturn = False # If the update completed sucessfully, commit the changes. If not, rollback. # if sdeReturn == True: print "Update statement: \n" + sql + " ran successfully." # Commit the changes # sdeConn.commitTransaction() print "Commited Transaction" # List the changes. # try: print "Displaying updated rows for visual inspection." sql = "select OBJECTID," + col + " from " + tbl + " where " + col + " = " + val print "Executing SQL Statement: \n" + sql sdeReturn = sdeConn.execute(sql) except Exception, ErrorDesc: print ErrorDesc sdeReturn = False if isinstance(sdeReturn, list): print len(sdeReturn), "rows" for row in sdeReturn: print row print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" else: if sdeReturn == True: print "SQL statement: \n" + sql + "\nran successfully." print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" else: print "SQL statement: \n" + sql + "\nFAILED." print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" else: print "SQL statement: \n" + sql + "\nFAILED. Rolling back all changes." # Rollback changes # sdeConn.rollbackTransaction() print "Rolled back any changes." print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" else: print "No records required updating." # Disconnect and exit del sdeConn print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" except Exception, ErrorDesc: print Exception, ErrorDesc except: print "Problem executing SQL."