Exporting maps as Layout GeoTIFFs
Production Mapping allows you to export a page layout view to GeoTIFF. GeoTIFFs are TIFF files that contain spatial reference information.

The GeoTIFF format supports a single spatial reference. If a layout contains multiple data frames, you must choose which frame will supply georeferencing information to the GeoTIFF.

Page space (outside the data frame extent) will have its geographic coordinates interpolated based on the spatial reference and geographic location displayed in the specified data frame.
Étapes :
- Start ArcMap.
- Open a map document.
- On the main menu, click File > Export Map.
The Export Map dialog box appears.
- Choose Layout GeoTIFF (*.tif) from the Save as type drop down list.
- Specify a file name and a location to save to.
- On the General tab, enter the resolution, width, and height of the file.
- On the Format tab, specify the color mode, compression, compression quality, and threshold settings.
- Click Save.
If the page layout has more than one data frame, a dialog box prompts you to choose a data frame that will supply spatial reference information to the GeoTIFF.