Validating data with batch jobs using geoprocessing
Once batch jobs have been created, they can be used to validate data. One of the ways a batch job can be executed is by using the Execute Reviewer Batch Job script in the Data Reviewer Tools toolbox. This script allows you to run a batch job on a workspace and write the results to the Reviewer table in a specified Reviewer session.

The default checks are not run if the batch job you run on the data only includes database validation checks (Connectivity Rules, Domain, Relationships, or Subtype) or table checks (Execute SQL, Regular Expression, Table to Table Attribute, or Unique ID). This is because the default checks validate spatial conditions and do not include attribute validation.
In ArcMap or ArcCatalog, click the ArcToolbox Window button
on the Standard toolbar.
The ArcToolbox window appears.
- Browse to Data Reviewer ToolsExecute Reviewer Batch Job.
- Double-click the Execute Reviewer Batch Job script.
The Execute Batch Job dialog box appears.
- Click the Browse button
next to the Reviewer Workspace parameter.
The Reviewer Workspace dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the workspace that contains the Reviewer session to which the results are going to be written.
- Click Add.
The Execute Reviewer Batch Job dialog box appears.
- Type the session name in the Session Name text box.
- Click the Browse button
next to the Batch Job File parameter.
The Open dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the batch job you want to run.
- Click Open.
The Execute Reviewer Batch Job dialog box appears.
- Optionally, click the Browse button
next to the Production Database (optional) parameter.
The Open dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the batch job you want to run.
- Click Open.
The Execute Reviewer Batch Job dialog box appears.
- Click the Version (optional) drop-down arrow and choose the version on which you want to run the batch job.
- Click OK.
The batch job is run against the feature classes and tables specified in the batch job. The results of the batch job are written to the session specified in the Reviewer workspace.