Checking out the chart for editing
A series of chart products that are structured (a chart/map book) are generally managed with MPS-Atlas, which can also be used to manage a map series. A nautical chart series that is more traditional, with each chart having a custom layout, uses the product library as a management system. Each chart (product) must be checked out of the product library before it can be edited and updated. The product library term product is interchangeable with the nautical term chart. Since traditional nautical chart series are the most common type of nautical charts, they will be the primary focus of this workflow.
You can start working with your chart product once you or a database administrator has prepared the product for editing as follows:
- Created the product library tree
- Configured the Nautical properties
- Configured advanced settings if necessary
- Implemented the instance
- Loaded data into the product
Checking out the product for editing
Once all the above steps have been completed, you can check out the product for editing whether you are using an enterprise or desktop production environment.
- Start ArcMap.
Conseil :
If the ArcMap - Getting Started dialog box appears, you can open a new or existing map document. You can also check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box and click Open.
If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- Navigate to the series that has the template you want to modify or to the product you want to edit.
Right-click the series or product and click Check Out Series Template or Check Out Product.
The Check Out dialog box appears.
Remarque :
If you previously checked out a product from the product library, the output location you chose appears in the Output Location field.
- Check the Open check box.
Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Output Location field.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
Navigate to the folder to which you want to copy the product.
Conseil :
If necessary, you can use Make New Folder to create new folders and subfolders.
Click OK.
The Check Out dialog box appears with the path you defined.
- Click OK.
The product geodatabase and .mxd are checked out to the path you specified, and the .mxd file is opened in ArcMap.
Next in the chart production procedures, you will create borders and grids whether using an enterprise or desktop production environment.

You should check the product back into the product library when edits are complete.