Defining cell metadata
The S57 Metadata dialog box is used by the Geodatabase to S-57 exporter and the product Populate Instance(s) process in the product library. It allows you to define the metadata information for an S-57 cell prior to export or creating a new dataset. The S57 Metadata dialog box is divided into three sections you can modify:
- DSID (Data Set Identification)—Provides information regarding the dataset's source and the product specification it is part of
- DSSI (Data Set Structure Information)—Provides information concerning the structure of the dataset
- DSPM (Data Set Parameters)—Allows you to define the types of measurement units and data used with the S-57 cell
The metadata options are different depending on the task you are performing. For example, if you are exporting a New Edition file, you can set the Vertical Datum. However, if you are exporting an Update file, you cannot change this value.

It is highly recommended that you do not change the default 3-D (sounding) multiplication factor property, since this can negatively impact the sounding conversion between the geodatabase to S-57 and vice versa. If you do need to change the factor value, it is recommended that you use a value that is a multiple of 10.
Open the S57 Metadata dialog box during one of the following processes:
- Exporting Geodatabase to S-57 in ArcCatalog.
- Populate Instance(s) process in the Product Library window in ArcMap.
The S57 Metadata dialog box appears.
- Click the cell next to ATTF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
- Specify the appropriate information.
The Nautical Solution supports lexical levels 0 and 1 for the ATTF field per the S-57 IHO Transfer Standard Edition 3.1, part 3, section 2.4.
- Click the cell next to NATF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
- Specify the appropriate information.
The Nautical Solution supports lexical levels 0, 1, and 2 for the NATF field.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Data Set Structure Information.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Compilation scale of data and add your S-57 product's compilation scale value.
Remarque :
The SCAMIN tool references the compilation scale of data value to auto-populate the SCAMIN attribute field held on the applicable feature records.
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Sounding Datum and choose the appropriate sounding datum.
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Units of depth measurement to choose the appropriate unit for depth fields.
Remarque :
When used in conjunction with the Geodatabase to S-57 exporter, the corresponding DEPTH value of the specified units (i.e., DEPTH_M field value for meters) is exported instead of the value held in the source field in the geodatabase (i.e., DEPTH).
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Units in height measurement field and choose the appropriate unit for height fields.
Remarque :
When used in conjunction with the Geodatabase to S-57 exporter, the corresponding DEPTH value of the specified units (i.e., DEPTH_M field value for meters) is exported instead of the value held in the source field in the geodatabase (i.e., DEPTH).
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Unit in positional accuracy field and choose the appropriate unit for positional accuracy fields.
Remarque :
When used in conjunction with the Geodatabase to S-57 exporter, the corresponding DEPTH value of the specified units (i.e., DEPTH_M field value for meters) is exported instead of the value held in the source field in the geodatabase (i.e., DEPTH).
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Vertical Datum field and choose the appropriate vertical datum.
- Click OK to apply all the metadata information.