Defining the field names
The field name definition part of the wizard allows you to choose the fields in which the ACE and ALE values are stored. You can also choose fields for storing the ACE and ALE evaluation methods. All four fields are populated using a string you define. For example, if you have fields selected for ACE value field, ACE method field, ALE value field, and ALE method field, all four would be populated using text from the Method text box.
Étapes :
Click the ACE value field drop-down arrow and choose a field in which to store the evaluation layer's ACE value.
- Click the ACE method field drop-down arrow and choose a field in which to store the ACE evaluation method.
- Click the ALE value field drop-down arrow and choose a field in which to store the evaluation layer's ALE value.
- Click the ALE method field drop-down arrow and choose a field in which to store the ALE evaluation method.
- Type the text you want to use to populate the ACE value field, ACE method field, ALE value field, and ALE method field.
- Click Next.
The Your Positional Accuracy Session Parameters dialog box appears. It shows the parameters chosen for the positional accuracy session.
- Click Finish.
The PAAT session starts.