Creating the Holding Pattern Entry Diagram
The Holding Pattern Entry Diagram (HPED) tool creates holding pattern entry diagrams for designated holding pattern features in the current procedure.
- Start ArcMap.Conseil :
If the ArcMap - Getting Started dialog box appears, you can open a new or existing map document. You can also check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box and click Open.
- Ensure that the data model version is set to the AIS Charting model on the Data Management pane of the Production Properties dialog box.
- Ensure that your chart's data frame is set to the appropriate
instance by right-clicking the data frame, selecting Properties,
and clicking the Product Library tab.
- Click OK.Remarque :
The creation of an HPED is based on the data in the production database and the instance designated in the data frame properties. To designate a holding pattern feature for HPED creation, change the HPEntry_Code field on the holding pattern ProcedureLeg_C feature to Yes. The HPED tool will create an entry diagram for that procedure leg.
- On the main menu, click View > Layout View.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Aeronautical Terminal Procedures.
Click the Holding Pattern Entry Diagram button on the Aeronautical Terminal Procedures toolbar.
Conseil :
If information on the procedure where the HPED resides changes, and that information affects the HPED, you can regenerate it by clicking the Holding Pattern Entry Diagram button again.