Accessing Atlas command arguments
You can view the arguments for the Atlas command from the command prompt. This provides a reference for formatting the arguments when you are running the Atlas command to ensure that spaces are added or omitted as appropriate.
C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin>Atlas /? /mxd:<map document> or --mxd:<map document> /list:<option> or --list:<option> mapseries mapsheets all /count:<option> or --count:<option> mapseries mapsheets all /export:<option> or --export:<option> layout all <starting number>-<ending number> <map series>:<starting number>-<ending number> <map series name>:all <map series number>:<starting number>-<ending number> /exporter:<exporter> or --exporter:<exporter> JPG /jpgquality:<1 - 100> PDF /colormodel:<RGB, CMYK> TIF EPS BMP SepTIF /ect:<path/ect file> /oiq:<1 - 5> /dpi:<Resolution> /exportpath:<Path> /print:<option> or --print:<option> layout all <starting number>-<ending number> <map series>:<starting number>-<ending number> <map series name>:all <map series number>:<starting number>-<ending number> /printer:<path to printer> or --printer:<path to printer> /papersize:<width>x<height> or --papersize:<width>x<height> /units:<inches, cm> /orientation:<portrait, landscape> /oiq:<1 - 5> C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin>
Étapes :
- Run the command prompt by clicking the Start button, clicking Run, and typing cmd.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
- At the C: prompt, type Atlas /?.
Press ENTER.
All the possible arguments for the Atlas command are displayed, along with the information that needs to be provided for each parameter.