Applying the pan-sharpening process to an image service definition
This process describes using two image services—one containing the panchromatic images and one containing multispectral images (such as a three-band TIFF).
- Create a panchromatic image service definition and a multispectral (color) image service definition. Optimize and compile these services and publish them on a service provider.
- Add these image service definitions to ArcMap as a client.
- Right-click each layer and click Save As .ISRef File to save each layer as an image service reference file.
Create a new image service definition by clicking the Image Service drop-down arrow, pointing to Advanced, then clicking New Service Definition.
This image service definition should be created using the same parameters as the multispectral image service definition. For example, the color space will likely be RGB and the number of bands will likely be 3. This image service definition will be used to combine the panchromatic image service definition and the multispectral image service definition.
- If you have more than one image service definition open, click the Layer drop-down arrow on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar and choose the image service definition you just created.
- Click the Image Service drop-down menu, point to Advanced, then click Add Raster Dataset.
- Double-click the Georeferenced Imagery folder.
- Click Image Service and click OK.
- Click the Select Folder browse button, navigate to the location of the two .ISRef files, then click OK.
Click the Open Service Table button
- Copy the number in the RasterID column corresponding to the multispectral image service definition.
Click the Raster Properties button
Click the Rasters node to view a table and three additional tabs.
You need to identify the correct ID value if there is more than one. Often there will only be one with a value of 0 or 1. However, if there is more than one, you need to click each to determine which row represents the primary raster. The Primary value is displayed on the General tab for the Derivation method parameter.
- Click Cancel to close the Raster Properties dialog box and click No to be sure not to save any changes.
- In the service table, click the gray button next to the row corresponding to the panchromatic image service definition to select the row.
- Close the service table.
Click the Raster Properties button
- Click the Processes node.
Uncheck Validator—ExtractBands in the Processes Selected list.
This process was automatically added to adjust the pixel type of the panchromatic raster dataset to the pixel type of the service definition. You don't need this anymore because you will be using the pan-sharpening process to achieve the same result.
- Click the Rasters node.
- Click the Process tab.
Click Pan-sharpen in the Processes Available list and click the Add Process button
Click Pan-sharpen in the Processes Selected list and click the Edit button
Type or paste the <RasterID>.<RasterIDinRPDef> value in the Multispectral Image ID text box.
This is the multispectral rasterID number (from step 11). Type .1 (or the ID number found in step 13) after the raster ID string to indicate that the primary raster from this dataset is to be used.
- Click the Method drop-down arrow and choose a pan-sharpening method.
- Optionally, edit the band weights.
- Click OK.
- Click OK to close the Raster Properties dialog box.
- Click Selection on the Main menu and click Clear Selected Features.
- You can now build, optimize, compile, and publish this image service definition.