Style Manager
The Style Manager is used to add, modify, and delete node styles. A node style is a visual indicator that can be assigned to a node to impart meaning to the Task Assistant user.
Each node style has the following settings:
- Name—The name of the style
- Default Image—The default icon for the node; must be specified
- Selected Image—If specified, the image to which the icon changes when a step is selected
- Open Image—The icon that displays for parent and root nodes when the node set is expanded
- Text Color—The font color used to display the text associated with the step name
- Bold Text—If specified, allows the node text to be displayed in bold
- Italics Text—If specified, allows the node text to be displayed in italics
You can leverage icon styles to convey additional information about steps. For example, you may want to highlight mandatory or informational steps by using node styles. As the designer, you can also add an unlimited number of custom styles. Custom icons can be applied to any of the three node style image settings.
There are a number of default node styles:
- Root—The default icon for a workflow node
- Parent—The default icon for the container node
- Task (New step)—The default icon for a task node
- Help—Used for a root, parent, or task node icon to indicate that a step or series of substeps is informational and would typically not execute anything
- Mandatory—Used for a root, parent, or task node icon to indicate that a step or series of substeps is required
- Warning—Used for a root, parent, or task node icon to indicate some type of warning message to the user
- Information—Used for a root, parent, or task node icon to indicate that a step or series of substeps is informational and would typically not execute anything