Creating a new workflow

The first step in creating a new task assistant workflow is to add a workflow node. Workflow nodes are the highest-level containers for tasks, and there must be at least one workflow node within a task assistant workflow. Once a workflow node has been added, other steps can then be added and configured. See Adding a new node or step for a complete description of adding and configuring steps.

Étapes :
  1. Click the New Workflow button New Workflow on the Task Assistant toolbar.

    A new workflow node appears in the Task Assistant window.

  2. To rename the new workflow node, click to highlight the new node in the Task Assistant window.
  3. Click the Designer tab.
  4. Click the cell next to Name.
  5. Double-click the existing text and type a new name for the workflow node.
  6. Press ENTER.
  7. ConseilConseil :

    You can also start a new workflow by right-clicking in the Task Assistant window and choosing New Workflow.
