Geo - Partial Overlapping Links layout algorithm properties

When the Geo - Partial Overlapping Links schematic layout algorithm is chosen in the Layout Task list, clicking the Layout Algorithm Properties button Layout Algorithm Properties icon on the Schematic Editor toolbar opens its associated properties dialog box as follows:

Geo - Partial Overlapping Links properties dialog box

The parameter values are either those specified by default by Schematics or those specifically set for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram using the Schematic Dataset Editor's Layout Task tab for this schematic diagram template.

Dimension parameters

The parameters in the Dimension section determine the maximum buffer distance between the link segments that are considered as overlapping segments and the final distance that must be applied to separate them.

Link optimization check box

Keep this box checked so the algorithm tries to optimize the segment placement order in each set of detected collinear segments by focusing on their connections instead of their positions. In this case, the detected segments that cross each other have a chance to be reordered so they are repositioned without crossing. When the box is unchecked, the algorithm works with the initial position of each segment in the collinear segment set, and crossings are kept.

The figures below show the Link optimization parameter: Figure 3.1 shows the initial schematic diagram. Figure 3.2 is obtained with Link optimization unchecked. Figure 3.3 shows the result obtained with Link optimization checked.

POLA, Link optimization parameter samples

Restore Defaults button

Click the Restore Defaults button to reinitialize all the Geo - Partial Overlapping Links parameters with their default values. The restored values are either those specified by default by Schematics or those specifically set for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram using the Schematic Dataset Editor's Layout Task tab for this schematic diagram template.

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