
ST_Geometry for PostgreSQL only
ST_LineFromShape takes an ESRI shape and a spatial reference ID and returns an ST_LineString.
sde.st_linefromshape (esri_shape bytea, srid integer)
Return type
Create the lshape table with two geometry columns—one an st_linestring, the other a bytea—and a unique ID.
CREATE TABLE lshape (id integer unique, geom1 sde.st_linestring, geom2 bytea);
Add records to the lshape table.
INSERT INTO lshape (id, geom1) VALUES ( 100, sde.st_linestring ('linestring (850 250, 850 850)', 0) ); INSERT INTO lshape (id, geom1) VALUES ( 101, sde.st_linestring ('linestring (33 2, 34 3, 35 6)', 0) );
Convert geom1 value to bytea.
UPDATE lshape SET geom2 = sde.st_asshape (geom1) WHERE id = 100; UPDATE lshape SET geom2 = sde.st_asshape (geom1) WHERE id = 101;
Return the linestrings as text.
SELECT id, st_astext (sde.st_linefromshape (geom2)) AS LINE FROM lshape; id line 100 LINESTRING ( 850 250, 850 850) 101 LINESTRING ( 33 2, 34 3, 35 6)