Create TLM Elevation Guide Bands (Defense Mapping)


Creates banding features that can be used to generate the Elevation Guide Box element for a Topographic Line Map (TLM).



CreateTLMElevationGuideBands_defense (AOI_Feature_Class, Contour_Features, Contour_Interval, Elevation_Field_Name, Elevation_Units, Output_Feature_Class, {Additional_Elevation_Features}, {Exclusion_Feature_Classes})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The area of interest for the TLM. This feature is typically stored in an index feature class.

Feature Layer

The feature layer that contains the contours. The information for the output bands will be derived from these features. This must be a polyline feature class.

Feature Layer

The range in elevation (distance) between contour features. This must be 10, 20, 40, or 80. The default value is 20.


The field within the contour feature layer from which the elevation values will be derived. The default value for this is ZV2.


The unit of measurement that has been used to collect the contours and additional elevation features.

  • METERSThe contours and additional elevation features have been collected using meters. This is the default value.
  • FEETThe contours and additional elevation features have been collected using feet.

The feature class that will contain the banding features. The default name is TLM<scale>_CreateTLMElevationGuide.

Feature Class

Feature layers that contain additional elevation information that can be used during band creation.

Feature Layer

Feature layers that define areas for processing exclusion. Excluded areas will not be taken into account when calculating the percent area ratio for the output bands. When excluding open water areas for coastal sheets, it is necessary to include these features as additional elevation features as well.

Feature Layer

Ejemplo de código

CreateTLMElevationGuideBand example (stand-alone Python script)

In this Python example, elevation bands are created over the V695X2549 feature in the TLM index.

# Description: Create banding features from a single TLM feature
# Author: ESRI
# Date: June 2010

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out a DefenseMapping extension license

# Import the Defense Mapping toolbox - you may have to alter this path
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r'C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Desktop10.0/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Defense Mapping Tools.tbx')

# Variables for Select Layer By Attribute
TLM100 = "C:/Data/Index.gdb/TLM100"

# Select the TLM feature
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(TLM100, "NEW_SELECTION", "\"MSNAME\" = 'V695X2549'")

# Variables for Create TLM Elevation Guide Bands
AOI_Feature_Class = "TLM100"
ContourL = "C:/Data/10.0/Defense/VMap2TLM.mdb/ContourL"
Contour_Interval = "40"
Elevation_Field_Name = "ZV2"
Elevation_Units = "Meters"
Additional_Elevation_Features = "C:/Data/Defense/VMap2TLM.mdb/ElevP;C:/Data/10.0/Defense/VMap2TLM.mdb/CoastA"
Exclusion_Features = "C:/Data/Defense/VMap2TLM.mdb/CoastA"

TLMElevationGuideBands = "C:/Data/Defense/VMap2TLM.mdb/TLMElevationGuideBands"

# Execute Create TLM Elevation Guide Bands process
arcpy.CreateTLMElevationGuideBands_defense(AOI_Feature_Class, contour_features, "20", "ZV2", "Meters", TLMElevationGuideBands, "CoastA", "CoastA")

# Check in the Defense Mapping extension


Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento

Temas relacionados

Información de licencia

ArcView: No
ArcEditor: No
ArcInfo: Requiere Defense Mapping
