An overview of the Cartographic Production toolset

This toolset contains tools that allow you to create and maintain cartographic features for aeronautical charts that use the Aeronautical Information System (AIS) data model.

Tool name


AOI Mask

Generates a new masking feature that can be used to hide features that fall outside specified polygon features. It allows you to choose specific AOI and erase polygon features from within a feature class, creates a masking feature that is the difference between the selected erase features and the AOI, and commits the AOI MapId and erase feature class name to the new mask feature.

Carto Commander

Creates, modifies, and deletes cartographic features for all the instances maintained and specified for the production database in the Data Management pane of the Production Properties dialog box.

Create Feature Linked Anno

Creates annotation for features in a specific chart if it does not already have annotation.

Tools in the Cartographic Production toolset

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