An overview of the Banding toolset

The Banding toolset contains tools that generate polygon bands from input features like contours or rasters.



Bands From Features

Converts point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon elevation features within an area of interest (AOI) into polygon band features. Output band size is determined by defining ranges from an input attribute, like elevation, in the input feature class or layer. A polygon feature class or feature layer defines the AOI.

Bands From Raster

Creates an elevation bands feature class from a Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) raster dataset. The resulting feature class is used by the Elevation Guide Bar surround element to display the high and low elevation areas on a Topographic Line Map (TLM) using a series of hypsometric gray bands.

Create Generalized Bands

Creates and generalizes band features for an Elevation Guide Box surround element. It automates the most common generalization tasks for an Elevation Guide Box dataset by creating intermediate datasets that will be deleted when execution completes.

Tools in the Banding toolset

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