Exporting from a geodatabase to S-57 files
The Geodatabase to S-57 exporter provides a single point of access to all the functionality for exporting the data for a specified cell from a geodatabase to an S-57 file. The tool behaves differently depending on whether or not your geodatabase supports versioning. The Geodatabase to S-57 exporter will do the following:
- Export base dataset files (.000) regardless of geodatabase type. These files include New Dataset and New Edition files.
- Export Cancel files (.001-.999) regardless of geodatabase type.
- Export Update files (.001-.999) from all geodatabases that support versioning. Since versioning is not available for personal and file geodatabases, you cannot export update files in the respective environments.
- Export ReIssue files (.000) from all geodatabases that support versioning.
- Export Temp New Edition files (.000). These files are S-57 .000 files where the metadata information can be modified to be noncompliant with S-57 specifications.
One of the features on the Geodatabase to S-57 exporter is the ability to build a directory structure directly from it. The Output Location button opens the Browse For Folder dialog box that allows you to define the file location where your S-57 dataset files will get stored upon successful export. Through the Browse For Folder dialog box, you have the basic Windows Explorer options for cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting folders.
Before exporting a geodatabase to an S-57 file, Update Primitives must have been processed on the database being exported.
- Start ArcCatalog.
Navigate to and right-click the feature dataset from which you want to export and click Export > Geodatabase to S-57.
The Geodatabase to S-57 dialog box appears.
Geodatabase to S-57 dialog box - On the Main tab, check the check box next to the cell that you want to export.
- Click the Export tab.
Click the box showing <Unknown> in the Data Set Record Type column to define the dataset type.
Geodatabase to S-57 Export tab
Choose the dataset type from the drop-down list.
Temp New Edition allows you to export a new edition dataset type. You can change the dataset name of the file and other metadata about the temporary new edition.
The S57 Metadata dialog box appears.
Define the cell metadata.
Once you define metadata, the check box in the Ready column for that cell is checked.
Click Output Location.
Navigate to the location for the export file.
Click Export.
A status dialog box appears showing you which feature is being exported.
Click Yes to open the log file.
The log file shows the following information:
- Metadata information that was exported such as DSID, DSSI, and DSPM
- The number of features and primitives that were exported
- The amount of time it took for the export to process
- Any errors that occurred, listed at the top of the log file
Temporary New Editions do not get stored in the database. The system does not record that a temporary new edition gets exported.