Workflow configuration using the Data Reviewer custom steps

Once the Data Reviewer custom steps are installed, they can be configured in a workflow. The sections below illustrate how the steps can be configured and provide additional guidance and best practices.

The Data Reviewer custom steps

Create Reviewer Session step

The Create Reviewer Session step creates a Reviewer session and an association between the new Reviewer session and the job. The Start Reviewer Session in ArcMap step can then use this association to perform its operation. Multiple Reviewer sessions per job are supported.

During step configuration, you must specify a set of arguments that determines how the Reviewer session is created. The argument editor for the Create Reviewer Session step is shown below:

The arguments for the Create Reviewer Session step

The table below describes each argument for the step and its associated behavior:



Argument example


Reviewer Session Name (Required)

Specifies how the new Reviewer session is going to be named.

Tokens are accepted in this argument.


On step execution, the new Reviewer session is named according to this argument.

In the argument example, the Reviewer session is named based on the job ID, for example, Job 123.

Reviewer Workspace (Required)

Specifies the Reviewer workspace where the new session will be created.

The argument may be set in three ways:

  • Job's data workspace
  • Workflow Manager data workspace alias
  • Path to a personal or file geodatabase


An existing Reviewer workspace must be selected. This step will not create a Reviewer workspace.


The Reviewer workspace is identified as being the same as the job's data workspace.

On step execution, the new Reviewer session is created in the job's data workspace.


The Reviewer workspace is identified as being a Workflow Manager data workspace.

On step execution, the Reviewer session is created in this workspace.


The Reviewer workspace is identified as being a file or personal geodatabase.

On step execution, the Reviewer session is created in this workspace.

Reviewer Version (Required)

Specifies the Reviewer version to be associated with the new session.

Tokens are accepted in this argument.


On step execution, the new Reviewer session is associated with the specified geodatabase version.

Run Reviewer Batch Job step

The Run Reviewer Batch Job step executes a batch job from within a workflow.

Arguments may be used to specify the following:

The argument editor for the Run Reviewer Batch Job step is shown below:

The arguments for the Run Reviewer Batch Job step

The table below outlines each step type argument and associated behavior:



Argument example


Reviewer Batch Job File (Required)

Specifies the path to the Reviewer batch job.


On execution, the specified batch job is run.

Additional arguments are required to specify what data is validated and where results are written.

Setting the Batch Job Data Workspace (Optional)

Determines whether the batch job will be executed against the data workspace saved with the batch job file or the data workspace properties set on the step type.

Two options are available:

  • Use batch job's data workspace (Default)
  • Update batch job's data workspace

Using the batch job's data workspace is the default behavior. No argument needs to be specified.

On execution, the batch job will run against the data workspace and version specified in the batch job.


On execution, the batch job will run against the data workspace specified in the step type.

The alternate workspace and version must be specified using the Reviewer Batch Job Data Workspace and Reviewer Batch Job Data Version arguments.

Reviewer Batch Job Data Workspace

(Required if the Override Batch Job Data Workspace check box is checked)

Identifies the data workspace that the batch job is going to be run against.

This argument can be specified in three ways:

  • Job's data workspace
  • Workflow Manager data workspace alias
  • Path to personal or file geodatabase


On step execution, the batch job validates data within the job's data workspace.


On step execution, the batch job validates data within the specified Workflow Manager data workspace.


On step execution, the batch job validates data within the specified file or personal geodatabase.

Reviewer Batch Job Data Version

(Required when the Reviewer batch job data workspace is the job's data workspace or a Workflow Manager data workspace)

Specifies the geodatabase version that the batch job will be run against.

Tokens are accepted. For example, you could choose to input the [JOB:VERSION] or [JOB:PARENT_VERSION] tokens.


On step execution, the batch job validates data within the specified version.

Reviewer Batch Job Area Validation (Required)

Specifies the spatial extent on which the batch job is run.


On step execution, the batch job is run against the entire geodatabase.


On step execution, the batch job is run against the job's area of interest.


On step execution, the batch job is run against changed features only.


This option is only valid when working with a versioned dataset.

Reviewer Session Name (Required)

Specifies the Reviewer session where records are going to be written.

Tokens are accepted.


The Reviewer session must exist before executing the step. This step will not create a Reviewer session.


On step execution, Reviewer records are written to the specified session.

If there is more than one Reviewer session with the same name, you are prompted to choose which Reviewer session you want records to be written to.

Reviewer Workspace

Specifies the Reviewer workspace where records will be written.

This parameter can be defined in one of three ways:

  • Job's data workspace
  • Workflow Manager workspace alias
  • Path to personal or file geodatabase

An existing Reviewer workspace must be selected. This step will not create a Reviewer workspace.


The Reviewer workspace is identified as being the same as the job's data workspace.

On step execution, Reviewer records are written to the job's data workspace.


The Reviewer workspace is identified as being a Workflow Manager data workspace.

On step execution, Reviewer records are written to this data workspace.


The Reviewer workspace is identified as being a file or personal geodatabase.

On step execution, Reviewer records are written to this data workspace.

Reviewer Workspace Version

Identifies the Reviewer workspace version where records will be written.

Tokens are accepted.


On step execution, Reviewer records are written to the specified version.

Start Reviewer Session step

When using the Data Reviewer custom steps as part of a workflow, it is possible to configure the Launch ArcMap step to start a Reviewer session associated with the job.

The arguments for the Launch ArcMap step with the Start Reviewer Session step

The table below outlines each step type argument and associated behavior:



Argument example


Run ArcMap Command


On step execution, Workflow Manager starts ArcMap and the Reviewer session associated with the job.

If there is more than one Reviewer session associated with the job, you will be prompted to choose which Reviewer session will be started.

See Workflow Manager custom steps for general information about configuring the Launch ArcMap custom step.
