An overview of the Business Analyst Thematic Maps toolset

This toolset contains wizard-driven tools to help you thematically map your feature classes.



Symbolize by Chart

Thematically maps a feature class based on a numeric field and displays it as a symbolized chart

Symbolize by Dot Density

Thematically maps a feature class based on a numeric field as dots on the map to convey the intensity of an attribute.

Symbolize by Line Thickness

Thematically maps a feature class based on a numeric field and displays it as a symbolized line

Symbolize by Non-numeric Field

Thematically maps a feature class based on a nonnumeric field.

Symbolize by Numeric Field

Thematically maps a feature class based on a numeric field

Symbolize by Point Size

Thematically maps a feature class based on a numeric field and displays it as a symbolized point.

Tools in the Thematic Maps toolset

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