Creating an image service with a signed 16-bit dataset

When creating an image service definition using a signed 16-bit dataset as input data, sometimes incorrect minimum/maximum values result. Therefore, when adding data that contains a signed 16-bit integer pixel type, it is recommended that you convert the pixel type process from 16-bit to floating point on the Raster Properties dialog box and change the pixel type process from floating point to 16-bit on the Service Properties dialog box.

This workflow will help you to create a service for datasets containing signed 16-bit integer as the pixel type.

Create an image service definition

  1. Use the Advanced option to create a new image service definition.
    1. Open ArcMap.
    2. Click the Image Service drop-down menu on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar, point to Advanced, then click New Service Definition.
    3. Type the path and name in the Service definition text box, or click the browse button to navigate to the location and provide a name.
    4. Click the Spatial reference browse button and choose a spatial reference file for either a geographic or projected coordinate system.
    5. Click the Service type drop-down arrow and click Custom.
    6. Change Number of bands to 1.
    7. Change Pixel type to Signed 16 bit integer.
    8. Change Color space to Grayscale.
    9. Click OK to create the new image service definition.

    The new image service definition is added to the table of contents as a customized group layer.

  2. Use the Advanced option to add raster datasets.
    1. On the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar, click the Image Service drop-down menu, point to Advanced, then click Add Raster Dataset to open the Select Raster Type dialog box.
    2. Use the Select Folder option to add the raster datasets.
    3. Click the Image Service drop-down menu on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar, point to Advanced, then click Build.
    4. Build the image service definition with the default options.
    5. Click OK.

Add the Convert Pixel Type process to the raster properties

  1. Select the raster and open the Raster Properties dialog box by clicking the Raster Properties button Propiedades de ráster on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar.
  2. Click the General node.
    1. Change Pixel type to 32-bit floating-point.
    2. Change Bit depth to 32.
    3. Change Color space to Unknown.
  3. Click the Rasters node.
  4. Click the Processes tab.
    1. Add the Convert Pixel Type process to the Processes Selected list.
    2. Click the Edit button Edit Process button to change the required process parameters.

      The Convert Pixel Type Process Definition dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the method 16 bit to floating point.
    4. Click Apply and close the dialog box.
  5. Click Apply and close the Raster Properties dialog box.

Add the Convert Pixel Type process to the service properties

  1. Open the Image Service Properties dialog box (from the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar Propiedades del Servicio de imágenes).
  2. Click the Service Definition node.
    1. Change Number of bands to 1.
    2. Change Pixel type to 32 bit floating-point.
    3. Change Bit depth to 32.
    4. Change Color space to Unknown.
  3. Click the Service Process node.
    1. Add the Convert Pixel Type process to the Processes Selected list.
    2. Click the Edit button Edit Process button to change the required process parameters.

      The Convert Pixel Type Process Definition dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the method Floating point to 16 bit.
    4. Click Apply and close the dialog box.
  4. Click Apply and close the Image Service Properties dialog box.

Zoom or pan around and you can see the created service with a 16-bit signed dataset.


It is recommended that you adjust the Stretch parameters in Raster Properties when a service created with 16-bit imagery appears black.

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