Generating seamlines using the Seamline layer

  1. Right-click the Seamline layer and click Generate Seamline.
  2. If one or more seamlines have been selected, you can choose to ignore the selection or to only use the selected raster datasets. Click OK.

    The Generate Seamline dialog box appears.

  3. Optionally check Overwrite existing seamlines.
  4. Optionally, type a value in the Seamline Granularity text box.

    Seamline granularity is the pixel resolution, in meters, of the image data used to derive the seamlines.

  5. Optionally, type a value in the Feather Width text box.

    The feather width is used to determine the sensitivity along the seamline as it is being created and is applied to the seamline when the Seamline mosaicking method is used.

  6. Click OK.

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