Adding elevation raster types

Whether you are creating an image service definition to serve an elevation image service or to visualize the elevation data, you will be adding the data using one of the elevation raster types.

To learn how to create an elevation image service, see Creating an elevation image service using the wizard.

When you add the data using the elevation raster type, you first either select a folder containing the data or select a file. In some cases, this is all you need to do to add the data. In many other cases, you are presented with another dialog box with some general parameters you can choose to define. Those raster types that don't require you to edit any additional parameters include

General parameters

Not all general parameters apply to all raster types. The following table lists one or more of the parameters presented on the General parameters tab for these raster types:



Default spatial reference

Specify the spatial reference system of the input raster data when it is not specified within the file. For example, specify the default spatial reference when using a TIFF with a world file; however, when using a GeoTIFF, leave the parameter blank since the information is read from a header within the file. In most cases, you should select a spatial reference system.

Force default spatial reference

Check this option to use the default spatial reference you have selected so that if the data has a spatial reference system defined within it, it will not be used. Also, check this option if the spatial reference system is undefined in the header; otherwise, the one defined for the image service definition will be used.

Include internal overviews

Check this option to add the raster datasets by reading the base data and any pyramids (such as the .rrd files created in ArcGIS) or internal overviews. Use the internal overviews to reduce the number of service overviews that may need to be created. This option is available on the Add Raster Dataset dialog box; however, when you add data through the wizards, the internal overviews will be added by default.

Use TIFF world file

Check this option when adding TIFF raster datasets that use world files (.tfw).

Use JPEG 2000 world file

Check this option when adding JPEG 2000 raster datasets that use world files (.j2w)

General tab parameters

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