About the raster process definition

In ArcGIS Image Server, the raster process definition (.RPDef) file defines a raster dataset that is used in the image service definition. Often raster datasets consist of georeferenced or orthorectified imagery, and ArcGIS Image Server only has to mosaic each of these together to create an image service for the client application. However, you may need to define specific georeferencing for a raster, such as orthorectification, or something more complex that may also include enhancements, classification, or panchromatic sharpening.

When the raster dataset is added to an image service definition, a raster process definition is created to fully encapsulate the definition of the raster dataset. The only information about a raster dataset that is not included in the .RPDef file is the actual pixel values, which are large in volume. Instead, these are explicitly referenced. Internally, in the image server, whenever a raster dataset is used to create a requested image, the service provider obtains all details on how to access and process the pixels using the properties defined in the .RPDef file. Metadata about the raster dataset that is sent to the client application is also included in the .RPDef file.

A raster dataset is added to the image service definition by using the Add Raster Dataset operation and identifying the raster type to add. According to the selected raster type, different sources and parameters required to define the raster datasets are then prompted for, and an .RPDef is created for each raster dataset and added as a record in the service table. The service table defines key attributes of the raster dataset and a pointer to the .RPDef, which defines the raster dataset and includes pointers to the actual pixels.

Typically, a raster process definition file contains the following:

Properties of a raster process definition

You can set the properties of a raster process definition for selected raster datasets using the Raster Properties dialog box.

These properties are organized into five groups:

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