What is a Territory Solution?
A territory solution contains all necessary elements for building, editing, and maintaining territories. All territory parameters are saved to the territory solution layer.
Territory solutions are individually saved to your My Output Directory as a file geodatabase. This allows quick loading through the Business Analyst Project Explorer. Territory solutions are exposed as a collection of multiple group layers in the ArcMap table of contents.
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The territory solution file path is the location where your Territory Design analyses are stored. By default, this is the path to the Active Project you set in Business Analyst. The output is saved to a file geodatabase (.gdb) format.
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Territory Solution Group Layers
Seed Points group layer
The Seed Points group layer, designed for quick access to seed points, is used for creating territories. Each new point layer selected to create territories will be added to this layer automatically after using the Create Territories from Seed Points wizard. Point layers are unchecked by default to avoid overloading the map. You can enable these layers to compare source points with resulting territory centers.
You can manually add point layers to this layer, if needed.
The Seed Point layer is common for all territory levels. This is a simple group layer with a standard Group layer context menu. This layer can be renamed, duplicated, deleted, or moved to any position inside the territory solution. Seed Points layers that are deleted or moved out of the territory solution will be restored after the next use of seed points in the Create Territories wizard.
Constraints group layer
The Constraints layer group layers are used for constraining territories. This layer can't be removed or moved outside the Territory Design layer but can be placed anywhere inside the territory solution. The layer can be renamed. The Constraints layer has its own context menu to quickly set up constraints.
Barriers group layer
The Barriers layer contains layers used to restrict territory shapes. This layer can be renamed, duplicated, deleted, or moved to any position inside the territory solution. The Barriers layer has its own context menu.
Territories and levels group layer
This layer contains the hierarchy of territories, such as territories, regions, and districts. The Territories and Levels layer can't be removed or moved outside the territory solution but can be placed anywhere inside. The layer can be renamed. The layer has its own menu, which allows you to create new territory levels.
Level of <Level Name> group layers
These layers contain layers related to territory level. The Level of … layers can't be moved outside the territory solution but can be placed anywhere inside. Layers can be renamed. Layers can be removed using the Remove Level command. The layer has its own wizard menu, which allows the removal of levels and setup of level balancing options.
Alignment Layer group layer
The Alignment Layer group layer is used to store the territory solution alignment layer. This layer can't be removed or moved outside the territory solution but can be placed anywhere inside. The layer can be renamed. The Alignment Layer has its own simple context menu.

The alignment layer serves as the base geography layer from which all territories are created. The alignment layer must have a unique ID.

When creating a new territory solution, a copy of your alignment layer is created. The copy is made so your original data is not altered. The alignment layer copy is added to the table of contents in your territory solution layer. The alignment layer is copied, not the actual data source (original data) of the alignment layer. The data source is shared.