Extended Properties Tab
The Extended Properties tab contains custom properties specific to your organization's business needs, as configured by your WMX administrator. The tab allows you to view and update (where applicable) 1–1 properties. 1–1 means that there will be 1 record in each configured 1-1 table for each job. For 1–M relationships between jobs and custom properties, see the Linked Properties tab.
See the Configuring Extended Properties topic in the Jobs Types book for more information about the Extended Properties.

This functionality is controlled through privileges. If you are unable to interact with this tab, please consult with your WMX administrator.
Clicking the Extended Properties tab when a job is selected in the job list shows something similar to the figure below. If no extended properties are configured for this job type, then a banner notifying the user of this is shown. This tab may appear named something else, depending on the configuration.
Each of the 1–1 properties configured by the WMX administrator for this job's type is shown in the Extended Properties dialog box. When a job is created, these properties are populated with the default values that were specified by the WMX administrator. Properties that are configured as modifiable are shown in editable controls:
- Text/Numeric Fields—Text box
- Dates—Date picker
- Numeric values with domain descriptions—Drop-down list
- Folder—Folder picker
- File—File picker
- Table—Table in WMX database
- Geographic Dataset—Feature classes
These controls help restrict the user to only entering correct data. For example, the text box will only allow the length of the text entered to be within the size of the field.
After modifying the properties, click the Save button on the WMX toolbar to store the changes.