Workflow Manager Advanced Settings
Este tema se aplica sólo a ArcEditor y ArcInfo.
The Workflow Manager Advanced Settings utility is a companion settings utility for Workflow Manager. It is designed to give users safe access to customization settings for Workflow Manager that cannot be changed within the applications themselves.

This utility will make changes to your registry, so only users that have administrator privileges can run this utility successfully. Please contact your computer administrator to grant you the proper privileges.
Working with Workflow Manager Advanced settings
Where do I find it?
The Advanced Settings utility is located at <Workflow Manager Install Location>\Bin\WMXAdvancedSettings.exe.
By default, the logging level will be set at 3 and no log files will be created. If you are experiencing difficulty with your applications, setting this to 5, the highest level of logging, will allow the applications to create log files for help with determining the cause of problems.
The locations in the Folders directory must be accessible to the user. If necessary, change these locations to a directory where the user has full read and write permissions.
- Database Folder: This is the location where connection information for the Workflow Manager databases that you have configured is stored.
- Log Folder: This is the location where log files will be written when the log level is set to 5.
- Jobs Folder: This is the location where temporary ArcMap documents will be written.

The default folder for Microsoft Windows XP and Server 2003 machines is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESRI\WMX.
The default folder for Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is C:\ProgramData\ESRI\WMX.
All users should have read/write access to these folders by default. By using the advanced settings utility, you can change these paths to any other desired location.