Using the File menu

Este tema se aplica sólo a ArcEditor y ArcInfo.

The File menu contains the following items:

Workflow Manager File Menu
Use the File menu to change the active Workflow Manager database, create new jobs, or exit the application.

The following shortcut keys provide you access to some commonly used commands like create new job, save changes and find jobs.

  1. CTRL+N to create a new job.
  2. CTRL+F to find jobs in system.
  3. CTRL+S to save changes to job properties.

Cloning jobs

The Clone Jobs tool allows you to copy information from an existing job and replicate it in a new job. By default, all the check boxes will be checked and the corresponding information will be duplicated from the cloned job.

If you want a different value entered for a particular property, with the check box checked, you will be able to modify the value. Leaving a check box unchecked will populate the value with the default value for the job type.

The number of jobs created can be modified, although the default will create only one job. Click the browse icon (...) next to Version or Parent Version to select a different version in the Select Version window that appears. Checking the Copy AOI check box will duplicate the existing AOI on the cloned job.

Clone Jobs dialog box

In the case where AOIs are not allowed to overlap, the Copy AOI option will be unavailable when the job being cloned is still active (not closed).

Switching Workflow Manager database

If there are multiple Workflow Manager databases configured for your machine, you can switch between these databases without exiting the application.

  1. Start Workflow Manager.
  2. Click File > Current Database and choose the Workflow Manager database to which you want to connect.

    The application (all configuration values, jobs, and so forth) is refreshed from the Workflow Manager tables that reside in the selected database.

Exporting transactions (3.x/9.3)

If you have chosen to use Workflow Manager transactions, you may want to export the transaction records for archiving purposes or for use as a seed for another system.

  1. Click File > Export Transactions (3.x/9.3).

    The Export Transactions dialog box appears.

    Export Transactions dialog box
    The Export Transactions dialog box will export the stored transactions to XML.
  2. If you want one file for all the transactions, click the One file for all transactions option and choose a file to export to. If you want multiple files, one for each transaction, click the One file per transaction option and choose a folder to export to.
  3. Using the Standard query builder, define an expression to use to export the transactions.

    In the above scenario, all the transactions will be exported before a specified date.

  4. Click OK to export the transactions.

Exiting the application

You can close the application from this menu.

  1. Click File > Exit.
