How different input data formats are handled

Vector data

Geostatistical Wizard, the ESDA tools, and the Geostatistical Analyst geoprocessing tools can accept points, lines, and polygons as input data.

Raster data

Raster data can also be used as input to Geostatistical Wizard and the Geostatistical Analyst geoprocessing tools. In these cases, the cell centers are assigned x,y coordinates and the data is read in the same way as a point file. The ESDA tools do not allow raster data as input.

Handling missing values

Feature datasets with missing values should be treated with care. If missing values are represented by a code (for example, -99), all the statistical analysis based on that data will be wrong unless one of the two options described below is followed:

Raster cells that have NoData values are ignored when read in Geostatistical Wizard and the Geostatistical Analyst geoprocessing tools.
