SharePoint list layer auto updates

SharePoint list layers on your map can be configured to stay up-to-date automatically.

  1. Open the Map Contents panel. For instructions, see The Map Contents Panel.
  2. Select the layer in the Map Contents panel.
  3. Go to the Layer tab of the ArcGIS Map Web Part to locate the Auto Updates group. There are two checkboxes that cause the layer to be updated automatically:

    Auto Updates

    Alternatively, if your screen resolution is low or your browser is narrow, the Auto Updates group may look like the following screenshot, but the functionality is identical:

    Auto updates drop down

    • Checking Update when map is panned or zoomed will cause the layer to update to the latest data when the user interacts with the map by panning or zooming.
    • Checking Poll for updates causes SharePoint to check for updates at the interval that has been set in the number box and drop-down menu items below the check box.
