Configuring Locators

The ArcGIS Mapping Locators list specifies the locator services that are available for use by ArcGIS for SharePoint. The service endpoints specified by this list are used by the ArcGIS Geocoding workflow to look up locations for list items when they do not yet have a location or when their address has been changed.

The list's columns are described in the table below:




The identifier for the locator service list item

Display Name

Determines the display name of the service when shown while configuring the ArcGIS Geocoding workflow or Location Field

Locator Type

The type of the locator service

Supported locator types are ArcGIS Server and Bing Maps.


URL to the REST endpoint for the locator service

Is Default

Determines if the item is the default locator when configuring the ArcGIS Geocoding workflow (only one can be true)

Navigating to the ArcGIS Mapping Locators list

Like the other ArcGIS for SharePoint configuration lists and libraries, you can easily navigate to the ArcGIS Mapping Locators list using the ArcGIS Mapping Administration links on the Site Settings page:

  1. Navigate to the Site Settings page by opening the Site Actions menu and clicking Site Settings:
    Site Actions menu
  2. Under the ArcGIS Mapping Administration heading, click the desired link:
    ArcGIS Mapping Administration links

Editing a locator

  1. Open the item to edit by clicking the hyperlink in the Title field.
  2. Click the Edit Item button.
  3. Make your changes and click Save:
    Save button

Adding a locator

  1. Click the Add new item hyperlink located at the bottom of the ArcGIS Mapping Locators list. The New Item dialog box opens.
  2. Enter the new locator's information and click Save:
    Save New Item
    Once the item has been saved, the locator is available on the ArcGIS Geocoding workflow wizard's Locator page, as well as when editing an ArcGIS Location Field's properties.
    Select desired Locator from list

Remove a locator item

  1. In the standard view of the list, choose the item to be removed by checking the check box next to it. Click Delete Items on the Items tab of the ribbon.
  2. Click OK when prompted. The locator is removed from the item and is no longer available on the Locator page of the ArcGIS Geocoding workflow wizard.