What was new in versions 2.3 and 2.3.1

This page describes an older version, please read about the latest version at:

This topic refers to a previous version of the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex ("the Viewer").

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.3.1 release notes

Bug fixes

  • Adding vertices to lines and polygons in projections other than geographic and Web Mercator works as in 2.2 and earlier. This did not work properly in the 2.3 release. This affected the Draw and Edit widgets.
  • Snapping works for all projections. In version 2.3, snapping only worked with Web Mercator and geographic projections.
  • The usethousandsseparator attribute for pop-up windows adds the thousand separator as expected. The spelling has been corrected from usethousandseparator to usethousandsseparator, which also matches the API. [Ref: forum post]
  • No need to specify chartfields when using media without chartfields.
  • Map notes from ArcGIS.com and other feature collections are no longer editable (since they are not saved ).


  • Removed custom skin for HTML pop-up windows (the "About").
  • New attribute for WMS layers, wkid, to overwrite the spatial reference for a specific WMS map service.


Code files that were updated in 2.3.1

Properties and configuration files that were updated

  • EditWidget.mxml
  • ConfigManager.as
  • HTMLPopup.mxml
  • MapManager.mxml
  • UIManager.as
  • PopUp_311.xml
  • PopUp_Demographics_BlockGroups.xml
  • PopUp_Demographics_Counties.xml
  • PopUp_Demographics_States.xml
  • PopUp_Demographics_Tracts.xml
  • PopUp_Fires.xml
  • PopUp_Hurricanes.xml
  • PopUp_IncidentAreas.xml
  • PopUp_IncidentPoints.xml
  • ViewerStrings.properties (for all languages)

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.3 release notes

New functionality

  • Wraparound—Continuous pan across date line when working in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system or Web Mercator projected coordinate system. Set the new wraparound180 property on the <map> tag in the main configuration file to activate.
  • Snapping when drawing or editing features: hold down the Ctrl key to activate.
  • Improved web map functionality to support recent ArcGIS.com updates, including pop-up windows configured on ArcGIS.com.
  • Better pop-up windows—Easy to configure and set up, whether you do it on ArcGIS.com or with configuration files.
  • Two additional detailed levels for Microsoft Bing Maps with scales of 1:564 and 1:282.
  • You can specify a set of URL parameters to use a specific web map or to start the map at a specific location.
  • Turning grouped layers on/off work as expected (a.k.a ArcMap style).
  • Changes for pop-up windows—The SimpleInfoWin widget is replaced with the new built-in pop-up window in the API. The latter can optionally take advantage of configuring pop-up windows on ArcGIS.com.
  • All samples in the Resource Center are part of the downloads. Look in flexviewer/apps/ for the compiled version and src/apps in the source code download.

Enhancements, changes, and fixes


  • Version 2.3 of the Viewer is built with version 2.3 of the ArcGIS API for Flex.
  • All widget configuration files have direct links to their documentation, for example http://links.esri.com/dataextractwidget.
  • Layers can use pop-up windows with the new popupconfig property. The info and infoconfig properties still work as before if you create your own custom pop-up widgets or if you use the deprecated SimpleInfoWin widget. Using the new pop-up windows, which are easy to configure and work for tiled and dynamic layers as well as feature layers, is recommended. The new pop-up configuration takes advantage of the new PopUpRenderer class that was added to the 2.3 API.
  • Pop-up windows from widgets use the updated InfoWindow with the new PopUpRenderer class that was added to the 2.3 API. The InfoPopup widget still works as before but is being deprecated and is not being used in any of the out-of-the-box widgets. For custom widgets, use the new pop-up windows, which are easy to configure and built-in to the API.
  • The default pointer in the Viewer is the arrow pointer. This makes it easier to know where to click on smaller features and makes it more intuitive to click features and see pop-up windows. To change back to the open hand pointer, set the openhandcursorvisible property in the <map> tag to true.


  • The examples for localized apps have localized widget labels and layer names.
  • The French and German "close" toolTip for the OverviewMap widget is no longer in English ("Click to close overview map").
  • The main configuration files used in the localized samples have localized layer and widget labels.
  • The words "bytes", "KB", and "MB" have been localized for the file sizes of attachments displayed in the Edit Widget.
  • The Zoom to feature used in certain pop-up windows has been localized.
  • Many small adjustments have been made to the resource files. If you created your own ViewerStrings.properties file in a language other than English, you should compare the 2.2 English version with the updated 2.3 English version. For example, most colons (:) at the end of strings have been removed to support easier localization for right-to-left (RTL) languages.
  • For localization to right-to-left (RTL) languages, there are RTL versions of several icons used in the Viewer. See Further Localization for more information.

Layer tag

  • The new popupconfig property, replaces the info and infoconfig properties that are associated with the SimpleInfoWin widget. While you can keep using info and infoconfig with the SimpleInfoWin widget, you should take advantage of the new pop-up functionality.

Data Extract widget

  • Passing tokens in URL for accessing secure services.
  • Uses the geometryservice specified in the main configuration file to simplify features when needed.

Draw widget

  • Snapping is available. Hold down the Ctrl key to activate.
  • Drawn extents/rectangles can be re-sized. [Ref: forum post]
  • Polygons can be drawn without outlines.
  • Clicking text that was added using the Draw widget no longer throws a TypeError. [Ref: forum post]
  • Using token and proxyurl as specified in the main configuration file (when using the geometryservice specified in the main configuration file).
  • Faster measurements when using geographic or Web Mercator projections.
  • The name of the configuration tag for the polygon feature transparency label (Alpha) has changed from <fillalphaLlabel> to <fillalphalabel>.

Edit widget

  • Snapping is available. Hold down the Ctrl key to activate.
  • When opening the Edit Widget, only editable feature layers are turned on. [Ref: NIM066676]
  • Using token and proxyurl as specified in the main configuration file (when using the geometryservice specified in the main configuration file).
  • The new <addfeatures> tag enables configurers to turn off the capability to add new features.
  • The new <updateattributes> tag enables configurers to turn off the capability to update attributes.
  • The new <updategeometry> tag enables configurers to turn off the capability to modify the geometries of existing features.

GeoRSS widget

  • Added tooltip showing link URL for result link in widget results.
  • Pop-up windows use the new PopUpRenderer class from the ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3.

Locate widget

  • Pop-up windows use the new PopUpRenderer class from the ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3.
  • Passing tokens in URL for accessing secure services.
  • "Confidence" (for Bing results) and "Score" (for ArcGIS Server results) have been localized.
  • The label for "Required field" has been localized.

Overview Map widget

  • The French and German "close" tooltip for the OverviewMap widget is no longer in English ("Click to close overview map").

Query widget

  • The Clear button is now the Show all button. It still "clears" the filter, but "Show all" better describes the result of clicking that button.
  • Pop-up windows use the new PopUpRenderer class from the ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3.

Search widget

  • When no features are shown, the behavior is now the same as the Locate and Query widgets: showing "No features found".
  • Pressing the Enter key when the focus is in the text input box will run the search. [Ref: NIM064993]
  • Using token and proxyurl as specified in the main configuration file (when using the geometryservice specified in the main configuration file).
  • Pop-up windows use the new PopUpRenderer class from the ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3.

InfoPopup widget

  • This widget is being deprecated as of version 2.3. It is still included in the Flex Viewer for backward compatibility and custom pop-up widgets.

SimpleInfoWin widget

  • This widget is being deprecated as of version 2.3. It is still included in the Flex Viewer for backward compatibility and custom pop-up widgets.
