What was new in version 2.1
This page describes an older version, please read about the latest version at:
This topic refers to a previous version of the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex.
ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.1 release notes
New functionality
- A NavigationWidget with optional navigation tools, pan wheel, and previous/next extent is included. For users who prefer the basic zoomslider (rather than the NavigationWidget), a zoomslidervisible property has been added to the map.
- A CoordinateWidget that displays the current pointer location.
- The HeaderControllerWidget supports widget groups (menus). This replaces the ClassicController.
- The LocatorWidget supports the Bing locator.
- The LocatorWidget supports, and defaults to, a single address locator. Once the ArcGIS Online locators are updated to have single line locators, this widget will automatically take advantage of it.
- The DrawWidget added support for rectangles, circles, and ellipses.
- The EditWidget allows for rotating and resizing of features.
- The look and feel can be easily configured using <stylecolors> and <stylealpha> in the main configuration file (config.xml).
- Symbol options have been added as configurable options for GeoRSSWidget, LocateWidget, QueryWidget, and SearchWidget.
- All widgets have more configuration options, especially for labels. This also makes localization easier.
- Localization support—Six languages are supported: Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. To fully localize your application, you also need to change the individual configuration files.
- ArcIMS services can be added using the arcims type for a layer.
Enhancements, changes, and fixes
- Version 2.1 of the Viewer is built with version 2.1 of the ArcGIS API for Flex.
- A new property on the map, zoomslidervisible, is set to false by default since it's expected that users will use the new NavigationWidget instead.
- The httpproxy functionality has changed so that it no longer applies to everything, only to the services you opt-in with.
- The HeaderController has been renamed HeaderControllerWidget.
- The StaticLegendWidget has been renamed StaticImageWidget, and its legendurl tag is now called imageurl.
- The DataExtractWidget has added support for setting area of interest using circles and ellipses.
- The LocatorWidget no longer assumes the projection to be either 4326 or Web Mercator.
- The width and height of the layer list in the MapSwitcherWidget is configurable.
- The SplashWidget has been updated to better handle long text strings.
- Bing authentication is supported by a Bing Maps key in the main configuration file. This key applies to both Bing Maps and Bing geocoding.
- Most widgets have been upgraded to use Spark components where possible.
- The definitionExpression for layers of type feature is now configurable.
- The mapservice tag and layer tag have been combined into the layer tag. The layer tag works in both basemaps and operational layers.
- Turning layers on/off in EditWidget are properly reflected in the LayerList widget.
- The fields structure has been standardized and improved across the different widgets that use it.
- Panning within the Overview Map behaves as expected.
- In the Data Extract widget, the Extract button is not enabled until minimum input requirements have been set.
- The Data Extract widget has added support for <excludelayers>.
- QueryWidget has added support for polylines and polygons.
- SHAPE_AREA and SHAPE_FIELD are not displayed in search results unless specifically stated.
- Better handling of null geometries in GeoRSS widget and other places.
- Error messages displayed in the ErrorWindow are now selectable to make them easy to copy.
- U.S. state abbreviations are now in alphabetical order.
- LocateWidget adds scrollbars when needed.
- Added proxy support for DataExtract, GeoRSS, Locate, Query, and Search widgets.
- Improved error messages.
- Number of changes related to Delete button.
- For developers working with source code and Flash Builder: Many things have changed from the beta. Only a few are listed here. You need to recompile your widgets.
Replaced or removed
- The ClassicController has been replaced with the widget group (menu) functionality in the HeaderControllerWidget.
- Concept of <stylesheet> has been replaced with <stylecolors> and <stylealpha> for easier configuration of the Viewer look and feel.
- Concept of headless widget has been removed. If you were using it to add the results from a query, use an operational layer of type feature instead, then exclude it from the layer list.