Coordinate widget tags
This page describes an older version, please read about the latest version at:
Configuration file for the Coordinate widget
The general structure of the Coordinate widget configuration file is shown by the conceptual graphic below.
The file is defined by a <configuration> tag that identifies it as a configuration file for the Viewer.
It has the following child tags:
- <outputunit> - The measurement unit to display; supported values are: geo (Geographic), dms (Degress, Minutes, Seconds), and mercator (Web mercator).
- <numberformatter> - Determines the precision formatting of the displayed coordinate values.
- It has the following attributes:
- decimalseparator - Represents the decimal value separator (default value is .).
- thousandsseparator - Represents the thousands value separator (default value is .).
- usethousandsseparator - Determines whether or not the thousands separator is used (default value is true).
- precision - Determines the level of precision shown in the Viewer (default value is -1). More information about formatting numerical values in Adobe ActionScript is in the NumberFormatter help topic.
- rounding - Determines if numerical values will be rounded; in other words, replaced by another value(s) that is approximately equal but has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation (default value is none).
- <label> - Text characteristics for the x and y coordinate values in the Viewer UI.
It has the following attributes:
- template - The text label for the x and y coordinate values.
- color - The font color for the x and y coordinate values (default value is 0x000000 - black).
- fontfamily - The font style for the x and y coordinate values (default style is Verdana).
- fontsize - The font size for the x and y coordinate values (default value is 9).
- fontweight - The font weight for the x and y coordinate values (default weight is bold).
Example configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<numberformatter precision="6"/>
<label template="Latitude:{1} Longitude:{0}"/>