Draw widget tags
This page describes an older version, please read about the latest version at:
Configuration file for the Draw widget
The general structure of the Draw widget configuration file is shown by the conceptual graphic below.
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The file is defined by a <configuration> tag that identifies it as a configuration file for the Viewer. It supports defining the geometry service and spatial reference used by the widget, and the list of measurement units displayed. It has the following child tags:
- <areaunits>
- List of area units used to display area measurements.
It has one child tag:
- <areaunit> - Area unit with abbreviated form and conversion factor from square meters.
It has the following attributes:
- id - automatically sets unit abbreviation and conversion factor. Supported values are ac, ha, sq ft, sq km, sq m, sq mi and sq yd. [Added in version 2.4]
- abbr - Unit abbreviation (for display on the map). Not applicable when id is used.
- conversion - Conversion factor with respect to 1 meter. Not applicable when id is used.
- <areaunit> - Area unit with abbreviated form and conversion factor from square meters.
It has the following attributes:
- <distanceunits>
- List of distance units used to display distance measurements.
It has one child tag:
- <distanceunit> - Distance unit with abbreviated form and conversion factor from meters.
It has the following attributes:
- id - automatically sets unit abbreviation and conversion factor. Supported values are ft, km, m, mi and yd. [Added in version 2.4]
- abbr - Unit abbreviation (for display on the map). Not applicable when id is used.
- conversion - Conversion factor with respect to 1 meter. Not applicable when id is used.
- <distanceunit> - Distance unit with abbreviated form and conversion factor from meters.
It has the following attributes:
- <geometryservice>
- Deprecated as of version 2.3 - specify the geometry service in the main configuration file instead.
- <spatialref>
- Obsolete as of version 2.3. The spatial reference is handled automatically.
In addition, the configuration file also supports changing the labels used in the widget dialog (this is not shown in the conceptual graphic).
- <labels>
- Container for labels
that can be modified in this widget. It has several child tags:
- <drawpointlabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Point tool (default for English is Draw Point).
- <markercolorlabel>
- Label for the point feature color property (default for English is Marker Color).
- <markeralphalabel>
- Label for the point feature transparency property (default for English is Alpha).
- <markersizelabel>
- Label for the point feature size property (default for English is Size).
- <markerstylelabel>
- Label for the point feature style property (default for English is Style).
- <markeroutlinecolorlabel>
- Label for the point feature outline color property (default for English is Outline Color).
- <markeroutlinewidthlabel>
- Label for the point feature outline width property (default for English is Width).
- <drawlinelabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Line tool (default for English is Draw Line).
- <drawfreehandlinelabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Freehand Line tool (default for English is Draw Freehand Line).
- <linealphalabel>
- Label for the line feature transparency property (default for English is Alpha).
- <linecolorlabel>
- Label for the line feature color property (default for English is Line Color).
- <linestylelabel>
- Label for the line feature style property (default for English is Style).
- <linewidthlabel>
- Label for the line feature width property (default for English is Width).
- <drawpolygonlabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Polygon tool (default for English is Draw Polygon).
- <drawfreehandpolygonlabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Freehand Polygon tool (default for English is Draw Freehand Polygon).
- <drawrectanglelabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Rectangle tool (default for English is Draw Rectangle).
- <drawcirclelabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Circle tool (default for English is Draw Circle).
- <drawellipselabel>
- Tooltip for the Draw Ellipse tool (default for English is Draw Ellipse).
- <fillalphaLlabel>
- Label for the polygon feature transparency property (default for English is Alpha).
- <fillcolorlabel>
- Label for the polygon feature color property (default for English is Fill Color).
- <fillstylelabel>
- Label for the polygon feature style property (default for English is Style).
- <filloutlinecolorlabel>
- Label for the polygon feature outline color property (default for English is Outline Color).
- <filloutlinewidthlabel>
- Label for the polygon feature outline width property (default for English is Width).
- <addtextlabel>
- Tooltip for the text drawing tool (default for English is Add Text).
- <textlabel>
- Label for Text input box (default for English is Text).
- <colorlabel>
- Label for Color selector (default for English is Color).
- <sizelabel>
- Label for Size selector (default for English is Size).
- <textfontlabel>
- Label for the text font property (default for English is Font).
- <textboldlabel>
- Label for the text bold property(default for English is B).
- <textboldtooltip>
- Tooltip for the text bold button (default for English is Bold).
- <textitaliclabel>
- Label for the text italics property (default for English is I).
- <textitalictooltip>
- Tooltip for the text italics button (default for English is Italic).
- <textunderlinelabel>
- Label for the text underline property (default for English is U).
- <textunderlinetooltip>
- Tooltip for the text underline button (default for English is Underline).
- <showmeasurementslabel>
- Label for Show Measurements check box (default for English is Show Measurements).
- <distanceunitslabel>
- Label for Distance units selector. Supported units: meters, kilometers, feet, and miles (default for English is Distance Units).
- <areaunitslabel>
- Label for Area units selector (default for English is Area Units).
- <arealabel>
- Label for AREA shown on map. Supported units: square meters, square kilometers, square feet, square miles, acres, and hectares (default for English is Area:).
- <perimeterlabel>
- Label for PERIMETER shown on map (default for English is Perimeter:).
- <lengthlabel>
- Label for LENGTH shown on map (default for English is Length:).
- <clearlabel>
- Label for Clear Drawing tool (default for English is Clear drawings).
- <clearfeaturelabel>
- Text on the right-click menu for deleting a specific feature (default for English is Clear).
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Example configuration file:
<distanceunit>abbr="m" conversion="1">Meters</distanceunit>
<distanceunit>abbr="km" conversion="1">Kilometers</distanceunit>
<areaunit>abbr="sq m" conversion="1">Square Meters</areaunit>
<areaunit>abbr="sq km" conversion="0.000001">Square Kilometers</areaunit>