Navigation widget tags
This page describes an older version, please read about the latest version at:
Configuration file for the Navigation widget
The general structure of the Navigation widget configuration file is shown by the conceptual graphic below.
The file is defined by a <configuration> tag that identifies it as a configuration file for the Viewer. It enables the display/removal of each of the navigation control(s) that comprise the widget. It has the following child tags:
- <panwheel - Defines the navigation panwheel control.
It has the following attributes:
- visible - Determines if it is visible or not in the Viewer UI. Boolean value (default is "true).
- fullextlabel - Tooltip label for the zoom to full extent button (default for English is "Full Extent").
- panuplabel - Tooltip label for the pan up button (default for English is "Pan up").
- pandownlabel - Tooltip label for the pan down button (default for English is "Pan down").
- panrightlabel - Tooltip label for the pan right button (default for English is "Pan right").
- panleftlabel - Tooltip label for the pan left button (default for English is "Pan left").
- fullexticon - Location path to the icon displayed in the Viewer UI for the control. PNG and GIF files are supported.
<prevextbutton> - Defines the
previous extent button control.
It has the following attributes:
- visible - Determines if it is visible or not in the Viewer UI. Boolean value (default is "true).
- label - Tooltip label for the previous extent button (default for English is "Previous Extent").
<nextextbutton> - Defines the
next extent button control.
It has the following attributes:
- visible - Determines if it is visible or not in the Viewer UI. Boolean value (default is "true).
- label - Tooltip label for the next extent button (default for English is "Next Extent").
<panbutton> - Defines the pan
button control.
It has the following attributes:
- visible - Determines if it is visible or not in the Viewer UI. Boolean value (default is "true).
- label - Tooltip label for the pan button (default for English is "Pan").
- icon - Location path to the icon displayed in the Viewer UI for the control. PNG and GIF files are supported.
<zoominbutton> - Defines the zoom
in button control.
It has the following attributes:
- visible - Determines if it is visible or not in the Viewer UI. Boolean value (default is "true).
- label - Tooltip label for the zoom in button (default for English is "Zoom In").
- icon - Location path to the icon displayed in the Viewer UI for the control. PNG and GIF files are supported.
<zoomoutbutton> - Defines the
zoom out button control.
It has the following attributes:
- visible - Determines if it is visible or not in the Viewer UI. Boolean value (default for English is "true).
- label - Tooltip label for the zoom out button (default for English is "Zoom Out").
- icon - Location path to the icon displayed in the Viewer UI for the control. PNG and GIF files are supported.
- <rolloutalpha> - The transparency of the Navigation widget when the cursor is not over the widget. The default value is 0.39. Increase value if you want the navigation widget to be more visible even when the cursor is on top of the widget.
- <rolloveralpha> - The transparency of the Navigation widget when the cursor is over the widget. The default value is 1.