ArcGIS API for WPF - Library Reference
FindGraphicsInHostCoordinates(Point) Method
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Client Namespace > GraphicsLayer Class > FindGraphicsInHostCoordinates Method : FindGraphicsInHostCoordinates(Point) Method

The System.Windows.Rect to use as the determination point.
Retrieves a set of GraphicsLayer.Graphics that are located within a specified System.Windows.Point of the applications coordinate space.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Function FindGraphicsInHostCoordinates( _
   ByVal intersectingPoint As Point _
) As IEnumerable(Of Graphic)
public IEnumerable<Graphic> FindGraphicsInHostCoordinates( 
   Point intersectingPoint


The System.Windows.Rect to use as the determination point.

Return Value

An enumerable set of Graphic objects that are determined to be located in the visual tree composition at the specified point.


The intersection area must be given relative to the application host.

If the intersection includes a clustered graphic, the individual graphics that the cluster represents will be returned.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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