ArcGIS API for WPF - Library Reference
SpatialQueryAction Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Actions Namespace : SpatialQueryAction Class

The following tables list the members exposed by SpatialQueryAction.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorSpatialQueryAction ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the SpatialQueryAction class.  

Public Fields

public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CredentialsPropertyIdentifies the Credentials dependency property.  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DrawModePropertyIdentifies the DrawMode dependency property.  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LayerIDPropertyIdentifies the LayerID dependency property.  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)OutFieldsPropertyIdentifies the OutFields dependency property.  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SymbolPropertyIdentifies the Symbol dependency property.  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UrlPropertyIdentifies the Url dependency property.  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)WherePropertyIdentifies the Where dependency property.  

Public Properties

public PropertyCanFreeze (Inherited from System.Windows.Freezable)
public PropertyCredentials Gets or sets the network credentials that are sent to the host and used to authenticate the request.  
public PropertyDependencyObjectType (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public PropertyDispatcher (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
public PropertyDrawMode Gets or sets the draw mode.  
public PropertyHasAnimatedProperties (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Animation.Animatable)
public PropertyIsEnabled (Inherited from System.Windows.Interactivity.TriggerAction)
public PropertyIsFrozen (Inherited from System.Windows.Freezable)
public PropertyIsSealed (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public PropertyLayerIDGets or sets the ID of the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.GraphicsLayer to insert the result into.  
public PropertyOutFields Gets or sets the out fields to query.  
public PropertySymbol Gets or sets the symbol used for displaying the results.  
public PropertyTargetName (Inherited from System.Windows.Interactivity.TargetedTriggerAction)
public PropertyTargetObject (Inherited from System.Windows.Interactivity.TargetedTriggerAction)
public PropertyUrl Gets or sets the URL for the feature service to query.  
public PropertyWhere Gets or sets the where clause filter.  

Protected Properties

Public Methods

Protected Methods

Public Events

public EventChanged (Inherited from System.Windows.Freezable)

See Also

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